I originally created the Energetic Green Smoothie ℠ for my human family. My second husband, Charlie – never married, no kids – married me just as my two kids were on the brink of their teens.
We’d lost their father, Winston (my first husband) unexpectedly about three years earlier. I bet you can imagine how greatly I desired to open everyone’s heart to each other – so many emotions, new relationships, etc. It came in handy.
Revelation! The Energetic Green Smoothie helps animals
(Thanks to Marie Olmstead for the picture of this animal candle!)
I soon realized this energy healing technique was a natural for families with animals. It connects and opens everyone’s hearts. Communications and connections become infused with the energy of love.
New arrivals feel part of the tribe. Current family members get a chance to connect with new arrivals through heart energy.
And it helps members in conflict consider the pluses of an improved relationship. Now I teach it in my UConnect℠ animal communication classes.
Here’s a video from the Heart Math Institute about how heart connections can improve heart health in dogs and people.
How to do the Energetic Green Smoothie ℠
We use the heart chakra energy to connect everyone’s hearts. This chakra is green and – no surprise –carries the vibration of personal love for others and being loved by others.
All you need is imagination + love
Ready? Picture yourself and your family in a circle. Remember, family includes your animals as well as your humans. If it’s just the two of you, face each other in your mind’s eye.
See a green, glowing light come out of your heart to touch the heart of the soul/being on your left. Then watch it move from their heart to the next being’s heart, and the next – until the light returns to your heart.
Feel the love you have for this group and send it into the green light. Imagine the light moving gently around the circle back to you. Keep it moving as you imagine each heart is “melting with love.”
It comes in handy when you’re not home
When you’re away from your animals, you can do the Energetic Green Smoothie ℠ to reconnect and remind them that they are loved and you haven’t forgotten them. You can remind them that you’re coming home and they have permission to relax.
I do this when I travel as well as when I want to bring more love into my home.
Bonus – It’s easy to remember
Once you’ve done the Energetic Green Smoothie a few times, it’s easy to do. Just set your intention to send love to connect everyone’s hearts, see and feel the love and the color – and it works! Who doesn’t love an easy energy communication/healing technique?
If you like my video, please subscribe to my YouTube channel!
I’d love to hear how the Energetic Green Smoothie felt when you tried it – Or let me know if you have any questions. Please share below!
Thank you for the reminder of the green smoothie. I used it a lot when Ringo and I moved from the home that he loved, the only one he knew. I remember doing the green smoothie a lot. After he was killed, and I had to move again, I forgot about it.
Now I can pass it on to these two elderly cats I took in. I’m so glad to be reminded of it!
Jane, I remember the horror of your losing Ringo – I’m glad you can use this for your elderly cats!