Where People and Pets Heal and Connect

What can I expect during a session?

Prior to check-in

I use a recent picture to introduce myself to your animal before the session.
I reassure them that we’ll have an easy session with their person. It might even be fun!

Direct communication

You will have a real conversation with them. You’ll have a solid understanding of what is going on; what your animal is thinking and feeling.

For behavioral issues, I help your animals experience your bliss when they change their behavior. Most animals want to be good family members. They’re  willing to modify their behavior to make us happy.

You will gain insight into how to improve the situation, too. It can be so simple. A client was not thrilled that her dog wasn’t using the pee pads. The dog communicated that he was reluctant to walk on “stuff” on the pad. He was willing to use the pad if she got a bigger pad and changed it more often. Yes, she could do that!

Your animal can do their own thing

Oh, and your animal doesn’t have to be there or behave in a certain way during the session.

They can continue to act like themselves since we are communicating telepathically.
During our session, we can connect with as many animals as time allows. If you want to do that, be sure to prioritize who’s most important so you get the most out of the session.

Open your intuitive connection?

As an animal lover, I duly apologize in advance for this analogy. Just like Henry IV of England wished for “a chicken in every pot” for his peasants in the 1600s, I wish for an animal communicator in every family with animals.

I believe we all have a door in our psyche that leads to “intuitive animal communication.” Some of us have walked through that door. Others have our hand on the knob and haven’t figured out how to turn it. Lots of us are facing the door and want to move closer.

Being in an animal communication session can “turn up the volume” on your own intuitive connection with your animal.

Body scan – Medical Intuition

With a team of Sacred, Divine Guides, I have been trained do a remote scan of physical bodies and the energy surrounding them. I’m not a veterinarian and I do not give medical advice or diagnose. I personally take my animals to a veterinarian and follow their advice.

Still, a body scan can give you clues on pain levels and pain areas. Maybe body systems and parts are having issues; I can share what they feel like from the body’s perspective. You might use this when you talk to your animal’s care providers.

I’ve asked something simple as, “Is the pain medication working so you’re comfortable?” and found out that no, the medication wasn’t keeping the dog comfortable. My client went back to her veterinarian and they agreed to increase the pain medication.

Energy healing

With the assistance from my Sacred, Divine Guides, I almost always direct some energy healing for your animal. We use many healing modalities to decrease anxiety, soothe pain and increase confidence – whatever is right for your animal’s situation. Some modalities improve physical symptoms.

Sometimes energy healing includes you as well as your animal so the whole family’s in a better place. Learn more here.

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Cancellation policy.
Minimum 48 hours’ notice required for single-session cancellation and rescheduling; please note that your actions affect others. Your session is a time reserved for you at others’ expense; if you cancel within 48 hours of your appointment, be advised that your prepayment is considered a donation to The Sacred Grove Animal Welfare Fund, which supports a number of local, national and international animal welfare and rescue charities.

 An intuitive conversation is possible?

 Oh yeah!