Where People and Pets Heal and Connect

Success Stories

Is animal communication real? Does it work?

Good questions that should be asked and answered.
Like any modality, perfect results are tough to guarantee. This is especially true because we’re interacting with both animal and human personalities and peculiarities. But most times, the results are heartening.

There is no need to take my word for the heartwarming results – here are success stories and testimonials from my clients!

Video Testimonials

Michelle & Echo

Mary & Crew

Carys & Echo

Jennifer & Harley

Debby & Princess Leia

Heather & Finn

Susan, Cammie & Fiona

More Testimonials

Click on the images to read the full testimonials

I had been following Maribeth’s posts and videos for a while. An then I read her fascinating book “Peace in Passing”, which really resonated with me. I reached out for a session with her for a pet in spirit, and it was very comforting and helpful.

Anita C & Tilly, UK

I’ve been working with Maribeth for nine months now to help my neuro-divergent senior dog, Desmond, become more well adjusted. He has always been fearful and insecure, despite consistent training and socialization. He simply stopped progressing past a certain point. From the very first session with Maribeth, I could tell something changed in him.
Rui & Desmond, Virginia

In 2018, I had a session with you about whether it was time for my dog, Bella, to transition. What you shared with me – and Bella – made her transition so much better.
Phyllis & Bella, Florida

About two years ago, my husband Dan went out of town for about two weeks. One of our cats, Dolly, was used to sleeping on him every night. When Dan left, she started sleeping on me.

At first, I enjoyed it and felt comforted by her purr and warmth. But soon I just didn’t sleep well at all. I was trapped most of the night as she was a long, big cat. One night I decided to sleep on the couch downstairs to keep her from sleeping on me. This went on until I finally had enough.

Michele & “Velcro” Dolly, Maryland

I cannot put into words what peace and comfort Maribeth, and her communication with my cat before and after passing, have given to me. I first reached out to Maribeth to discuss my cat’s health and well-being. She described my cat’s health challenges (later confirmed by a battery of tests by my veterinarian.) Maribeth explained what my cat needed in terms of diet and supplements.

Jennifer & Maia, Virginia

I went out of town recently, leaving my husband Dan to take care of our kitties, Molly and Dolly. I always sign up for Maribeth’s Postcard from Your Pet when I leave town. Molly was having such a hard time with me being away – hiding under the bed even when it was time to eat – that I asked Maribeth to please help.

Michele & Molly, Maryland

Our adopted rescue, Suki suddenly started waking me up at 3:00 AM to go out.  She had not done this before, and she did not go to anyone else on the nights I was not home.

Jen & Suki, Pennsylvania  

As soon as I hear someone facing difficulty with an animal in their house, my first recommendation is to talk with Maribeth.  Maribeth helped us with a dog, Grace, in her last months before transitioning.

Jen & Grace, Pennsylvania  

Mini, an un-neutered male who lives outside, doesn’t trust us 100% but is warming up and depends on us for food. We’re sad that other cats are fighting with him.

I thought life would be easier for Mini after being neutered. But I didn’t want the procedure to break our bond.

Maribeth understood how much I valued our relationship. So, she focused on connecting Mini and me at the heart level. What a breakthrough session!

Diane and Mini, California

We noticed our cat Javier’s food intake was decreasing, and he was losing weight. He was diagnosed with early-stage kidney disease. We wanted to support Javi’s eating but weren’t sure how and hoped you could guide us by connecting with him. The results of our session with you far exceeded our expectations! 

You sensed that his stomach was upset, making it hard for him to eat. You found out which foods worked best for him. Based on your conversation we changed his food. He has increased his food intake on average from 30-50% since your communication with him! And he is awake more and has been more playful. He has more energy than we’ve seen in months! 

Stacy, Dave, and Javier, Pennsylvania

Your communication with my bird S. to prepare her for rehoming was exactly what she needed. I could tell she understood what was happening when the people picked her up.

She’s been there about two weeks, and it’s all coming together perfectly. The latest message said, “She’s already a member of the flock!” I couldn’t ask for more. 

You were an integral part in making this successful for all of us. 

J.B. & S., Washington State 

Seven months ago, I adopted a very fearful, anxious, adorable kitten. Although I did my best to surround her with love, she remained anxious, like a human with PTSD. I didn’t know how to help my kitten—until I met Maribeth.

Not only did Maribeth help me “see” the specifics of the very real trauma that occurred to my kitten, she walked me through the process of helping her heal from it, concluding the session with beautiful affirmations to about how “it is now safe to relax and play and be happy.”

Within an hour of our session, my kitty approached me with a totally different energy.

E. Perlman & L.H, Oakland, CA

‘My horse got upset when I closed a gate and I felt scared of him. Maribeth took me into a deep and powerful session. She got an insight about a past life I had with this horse and we removed the energy of trauma. With her help we created new energy of love and connection and new affirmations.

I didn’t know how many skills Maribeth had! She is not only an animal communicator but an energy healer as well.’

Irina Mihaela & Amore, Canada

I really appreciate the work you did for my puppy, Beau and I!  Beau has been real good with not going poo in the house.

Pat & Beau 

My dog, Suki created a habit of wanting to go out at 3 AM for a potty break. So I wasn’t getting any sleep.”

Jen Kline Clark & Suki, Pennsylvania

Our dog, Zeus had become really clingy. We wondered if he was worried about family issues and wanted to do an overall welfare check.”

Ken, Kristy & Zeus Crippen, Pennsylvania  

My beloved cocker spaniel Brandy contracted painful eczema on her butt, causing her to lick and scratch herself intensely, leaving an open wound.

Hanne & Brandy, Norway

We got 
for our kitties, Oliver and Larry, while on holiday.
When we arrived home about three hours after Maribeth (intuitively) checked in with them, they were quite relaxed.
Willow, Oliver & Larry

“Our older dog, Bella the Beagle-mix, had endured a lot of changes over the previous year, including the loss of her best dog-friend, a trans-Atlantic move, and a newborn child – our first.”

Allison, Bella & Mini Mollema, Virginia

Our two English Bull dogs (Jack and Henry) were extremely close.  Jack passed away at age 10 and Henry became completely out of sorts.  He had to go to the bathroom constantly and got up at ALL hours in the middle of the night, scratching at the door to go outside.”

Erin B. and Henry

Thank you for talking to our older dog, Sammie about how to set boundaries with our puppy.”

Gordon and Selma, Northern Virginia

“My husband had noticed a big change in my 11-year-old black Lab, Jazz’ energy as soon as the session with Maribeth ended.”

Laurence & Jazz, Saskatchewan, Canada

Bella has been extremely anxious about my leaving her behind, and also about various noises.

Donna and Bella

My horse, Tica has been at an equine hospital for two weeks. Within hours of our session, she started showing improvement from conditions no doctors could explain.

Anna & Tica Virginia

After our talk with my 30-year-old horse, Joe in February he certainly did perk up! Our agreements (discussions) worked – he shares more energy as long as I bring happier energy.”

Sara & Joe, Virginia

Fancie’s back to almost 98% of her old self. She regained her appetite, takes all her meds like a champ, and again pees outside, which has her feeling more confident overall.

Fancie & Alex, Virginia

“Before our session, B was constantly following me around and complaining. He huffed, barked, and stared constantly.”

S & B, Virginia

“Our cat, Rex, who’s 12 years old, has always been “my kitty” – he was never friendly or loving towards my husband, Cody. It didn’t matter how hard Cody tried to make friends with Rex.

RoseLynne, Cody & Rex, VIrginia

“Our dog, Honey has been extremely anxious. While we were on vacation, Maribeth checked in with Honey daily. What a difference that made! “

Ali & Honey, Virginia

“My Coonhound, Deidre was itching all over. She was miserable! Maribeth pinpointed the problem and it helped!”

Thea and Deidre, Virginia

“Abu had become aggressive on leash, pulling, lunging and running towards other dogs…”

Maya & Abu, California

My foster dog, Marne, was scared and withdrawn. I asked Maribeth to give her positive reassurances…

Kris & Marne, Colorado

“Maribeth helped my declining cat, Houdini at the end of his life…”

Kristin, Houdini & Grace, St. Martin, French West Indies

“CJ has her bubbly attitude again and does her happy dance greeting with a lick or two instead of nips!”

Melanie & CJ, Oklahoma

“No one else could have helped us with our little dog. Mimi was able to tell Maribeth that she did not want back surgery because…”

Margaret, Bernie & Mimi, Virginia

“.. I would not have felt comfortable leaving her out in the house if Maribeth had not talked to Cracker Jack initially & gotten reassurance of no prey drive.”

Maureen, Cracker Jack & Autumn, VA

“I am so happy to have an effective way of resolving situations like this so that we come away with a win-win. Thank you Maribeth for teaching me how to…”

Judy, Dom & Ringo

“.. For once, I was actually able to relax and not worry while on vacation. After we returned, the pet sitter said this last pet sitting for Terra and Chi was the best one she had experienced. I couldn’t have been more pleased with Maribeth’s help!”

Susanna, Terra & Chi, OR

“Maribeth Decker of Sacred Grove is actually now an honorary member of our family. Not only did she keep Princess Leia on this planet while…”

Debby, Leia & Fergus

“Thanks to Maribeth’s teaching and guidance, I have learned to not only connect with Emma, but also with my two…”

Jill Celeste, Emma & Ray, FL

“I have been taking your advice in regards to communicating with my cat, Teeg II. I explained that if I let him outside, he has to stay on the…”

Roy & Teeg II

“Maribeth does amazing work with animals and their caregivers. Animals react in ways we humans sometimes don’t understand, but Maribeth can help untangle the mystery…”

Lil Sklenarik, Wrigley & Jack, MA

“.. Maribeth’s added healing work into her communications with Noodle has worked fabulously! ..The vet has no explanation for it- those were her exact words: no medical explanation for the sudden reversal.”

Beth, Noodle, Stephanie & Peanut, VA

“Loki didn’t realize how much I wanted his affection, so once Maribeth told him, his behavior changed. He sits on my lap and sleeps…”

Teresa, Ozzie, Loki, Izzy Katz, Cosmo, Perky & Baby Girl (6 cats!), VA

“.. whatever healing you have been performing for Rudy has been a huge success! He is eating, taking his medication, going for…”

Cathy, & Rudy, CO

“I am so grateful for Maribeth’s work with Clyde. After a year of extreme changes and stress, I could no longer handle his behavior. She helped bring peace to my home and…”

Susan & Clyde, VA

“.. Maribeth is very personable and her love of animals shines through her interaction. What a unique and intriguing experience this reading was! ..”

Lillis, Harry & Grace

“.. Instead, we focused on healing the sore. First Maribeth did an intuitive body scan. She felt something stuck under his skin surrounded by…”

Marynance & Samson, CA

“I gained such deep insights as I reconnected with Britney during my phone call with Maribeth. The session was tremendously healing and…”

Nancy & Britney, NC

“.. When my trainer suggested an animal communicator, I was skeptical. We had been training for 6 months and still could only…”

Cathy & Sakari, CO

“I hired Maribeth to help with undesirable behaviors my rescue cat, Princess Leia exhibited when I traveled. They were bad enough that I would hide my…”

“Learn more about my experience by watching this video

Debby & Princess Leia, MD

“The time and investment with Maribeth has been more beneficial than I could have imagined. I would highly recommend the journey for anyone who…”

Dr. Jake Dodds, DC & Grover, VA

“Maribeth has helped my clients deal with a dog’s separation anxiety. She has helped a rescue dog express his feelings that lead to his aggression…”

Ana Melara, CPDT-KA, CO

“Maribeth gave us that closure we needed. She also helped us to know how our cat was feeling and going forward, how our cat feels about getting another…”

A., VA

“Thanks so very much for your lovely gift to me this week- the session with my dog Sophie, who had just passed on- the support, the…”

Ellen & Sophie, NY

“Not only is Maribeth one of the nicest and most down to earth people I’ve met but she also explained animal communication in a very…”

Courtney Kemper, CPDT-KA, CO

“In working with Maribeth, the human aggression and fence aggression has improved immensely. She is less aggressive at…””

Renee & Cynder Arlington, VA

“Until working with Maribeth, I had no idea this work even existed. Now I’m amazed at how powerful it is. A year ago our dog…”

Jeannie Spiro, RI

“Maribeth is so loving and caring… I would highly recommend her to anyone who would like to feel more connected to their pet.”

Cortney Chaite & Luke, MD

“I would highly recommend Maribeth Decker for her animal communication skills. She has helped by dog, B with some of his…”

Colleen & B, VA

“Some of the things Maribeth said I had not thought about until she mentioned them and it really helped me see things I had not seen before..”

Sophie, NH

“.. Since her healing work, Callie has only had one seizure.

.. I think that Maribeth’s work has made a difference in her seizures because they aren’t happening with…”

Callie, Clifton, VA

“Without hesitation, Maribeth came right up to me, was there for me in my pain and sadness, and held my hand until I could…”

Kathleen, RI

“When I took Sadie to the vet the day of her surgery, it was clear our session with Maribeth had helped both of us. Sadie did not…”

Deb & Sadie Jericho, VT

“After your connection with her, I noticed a significant change in her behavior and confidence around me. I want to thank you for…”

Richard & Brennan, VA

“The healing energy session that we did has done wonders for my mind and body. I feel as though a huge weight of stress and…”

Melissa Pleasant, WA

“I had a very sharp pain in my back that would come and go through the day and by the second day I was beginning to think I should call a doctor…”

Deborah Kanarek, NY

“Even though she had never met my dog, her communication reflected my dog’s personality exactly. She provided great insight and…”

Michael M.

“Maribeth is the real deal. Our dog has periodic episodes of seizures that, once started, can ramp up in frequency and…”

Dr. Kim Muzinski

An intuitive conversation is possible??

 Oh yeah!