Where People and Pets Heal and Connect
If I Could Talk to My Animal

If you could talk to your animal, would you?
What if you could directly communicate with your animal about stuff that is bothersome or worrisome using intuitive abilities?
I believe that with training and practice, you can connect intuitively with your animals.
Why? Because even I, a former Naval officer, learned how to communicate with all animals later in life! I’ve noticed that when working with my clients, most of them have fledgling intuition. The great news is this gift can be developed!
Maybe you missed our first webinar last month. Maybe this is the first you’ve heard about this. Either way, join me for a webinar “If I Could Talk to My Animal.” In this webinar, we’ll talk about the possibility of connecting with your animals. And we’ll even try a few techniques!
My name is Maribeth Decker of sacredgrove.com, where people and pets come together to heal and connect.
Join me June 12th for a free webinar!
If talking with your animals sounds appealing, please join me on Tuesday, June 12 from 7:30-8:30 p.m. ET to learn how that could be possible. The webinar is FREE but registration is REQUIRED.
Join the webinar!