When I heard that a yowling cat I worked with had quieted down after our session, I was over the moon! And finding out that a dog with congestive heart failure was still enjoying his best life two years after our session? More good news!
Moxie the yowling cat
Read Marie’s report of the changes in Moxie’s behavior after our session:
“Our virtual session with her had a powerful effect on our cat Moxie.
“For about 3 months she had been yowling at extreme volume occasionally throughout the day and evening, also starting again around 4 am.
“We had multiple vet visits and blood tests, even taking her to an animal chiropractor several times. Nothing of significance seemed to be bothering her, at least on a physical level.
“By intuitively examining Moxie’s body, Maribeth zeroed in on an area where she was having a minor problem in her back, which the chiropractor had identified, as well as a slight hearing loss in one ear, which we had suspected. She had no prior knowledge of these issues.
“The most significant issue was that the loss of her mother 10 months before and her brother just a few weeks ago had affected her more deeply than was apparent.
“After the session, during which Maribeth taught us energy practices and new ways of interacting with Moxie, she looked at us at length with sad and soulful eyes, not at all typical for her personality.
“It was as if her grief had been acknowledged.
“In the 2 weeks since the session, she seems more content. She has stopped hissing at her other brother and sister, and the loud meows are almost completely gone. Very happy that we reached out to Maribeth! She is a warm, compassionate animal communicator and healer.”
Smokey the dog enjoys two more years
Lori recently updated me on her dog, Smokey’s life since we worked together. (Visit Success Stories for more happy stories.)
“I met with you about Smokey’s pending demise after congestive heart failure in October two years ago. The cardio vet advised that he could live a few more weeks to a few more months.
“You sat with Smokey a few minutes and advised me that it was news to him that he was dying. He told you he felt just fine.
“When asked what he would like more of, you said, he wants something cold and white, like soft serve ice cream. But I knew it wasn’t ice cream, it was whipped cream from the can that he loves, loves, loves!
“Maribeth, you will be delighted and amazed to know that he is still alive and kicking. He and you were right!
“He is still quite feisty at 16 years old and has had two more years of life than he was expected to have.
“Your reading gave me confidence to continue supporting his recovery.”
These outcomes are why I do what I do!
If you’re like me, you desire happy, fun-filled, loving relationships with our animal companions. Deeper connections. Because you love them.
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