Where People and Pets Heal and Connect

UConnect ℠

Next class starts Spring 2025!
Get the best deal  – Join the Interest List.

UConnect Animal Communication Course

Do you talk to your animals? What if you could connect even more deeply with them?

How would you feel knowing why your animal was acting out—and what to do about it?
What if you could create an even deeper relationship with your animal than you already experience?

What would change for both of you?

UConnect group program
UConnect Students: Click here to go to the Sacred Grove Training website.

You know what?


I didn’t come out of the womb connecting to and communicating with animals!

I’ve always lived with animals and have thought of them as family since I was a little kid.

I’ve always loved being in nature and been fascinated by wild animals. Some of my best memories as a kid are hanging out at streams and in the woods!

But my ability to connect and communicate didn’t blossom until I started doing intuitive training.

And that’s good news for you!

With intention, training and practice, you can connect more deeply to your animals.

The connection blossoms in different ways for each of us, of course!

Here’s what’s for sure:

You’ll feel a deepening in your relationship with your animals, and it will enrich YOUR life AND the life of your pets!

Class meets weekly from 6:30 – 8:00 PM ET for 12 sessions beginning in February 2025 

What you’ll get:

  • 12 weekly LIVE (not pre-recorded) group training & practice sessions via Zoom with Maribeth – 18 HOURS TOTAL.
  • Direct communication practice with your animal(s), which leads to a closer intuitive relationship through their life on earth and beyond.
  • Practice with other animals so you KNOW you’re receiving accurate information.
  • Two 30-minute meetings with just you and Maribeth to ask questions and practice connecting with your animals.
  • Energy healing techniques that Maribeth has made easy to learn so you can immediately address your animal’s physical and emotional needs.
  • Training website jampacked with written lessons, homework and recorded meditations to deepen your learning.
  • Session recordings & guided meditation recordings that you can download for forever access.


  • BONUS! A signed copy of Maribeth’s bestseller, Peace in Passing: Comfort for Loving Humans During Animal Transitions
  • BONUS! Take your intuition to the next level: A 90-minute small group session with intuitive extraordinaire, Nicole Meltzer. Nicole is a master at helping people bring out their intuitive abilities in a stress-free environment.  Check out Maribeth’s interview with Nicole here.
  • BONUS! Join other graduates in Maribeth’s Expand Your Intuition program and get the first month free. It’s a great way to continue practicing your skills with your animals while increasing your intuitive abilities. 

Check out the Sacred Grove Training Website

As a UConnect student, you’ll have access to the Sacred Grove Training Website.

This includes:

  • Audio recordings of guided meditations
  • Written lessons (PDFs)
  • Written homework (PDFs)
  • Recordings of each weekly session
Which you can download for forever access.

Who is a good fit for UConnect ℠ ?

  • If you love your pets as much as, or more than, the humans in your lives, this program is for you.
  • If you want to connect more deeply and personally with your animal(s) by learning directly how to do so from Maribeth Decker, an extraordinary animal communicator, this program is for you.
  • Pet Sitters, Dog Walkers, Groomers, Vets, Vet Techs, Shelter or, Sanctuary Workers, People who partner with Police Dogs or Horses, add a deeper dimension to your work with and intuitive connection! 
  • If you’d like to investigate energy healing techniques to improve your own life as well as your animals, this program is for you.

Considerations for UConnect ℠

  • If your schedule won’t allow you to attend most of the live sessions, you might find it hard to keep up. But if you commit, and miss a few, it will work just fine!
  • It’s easier if you currently have animals in your family. But if you can find a friend who will let you practice with their animal, that will work.
  • If you are interested in professional animal communication, this is a great start.




UConnect ℠

Next class starts Spring 2025!
Get the best deal  – Join the Interest List.

Hear from UConnect Graduates:

People who have participated in my UConnect program have been able to connect with their animals. They find that they’re more loving, empathetic, and compassionate not only to their beloved pets but themselves and their families. UConnect is all about making deeper connections.


After seeing my dog Grover struggle

with unpredictable aggressive behavior – lunging at trucks in the road, growling/barking at other dogs – I knew that we needed some extra help.
We had adopted Grover 3 years ago. He had bad past experiences that were affecting his behavior.
I came to Maribeth with the goal of reshaping some of his behaviors but left with much more than that. Grover has greatly improved his interactions with other dogs and other triggers that used to scare him such as loud trucks.
What was much more valuable was the context of the relationship I have with Grover. He is no longer a pet that I need to control – he is an individual who is capable of communicating emotions and thoughts.
Maribeth provided the tools to facilitate this realization and gave me the confidence to continue to improve my communication and his behavior moving forward.
Dr. Jake & Grover

Ginger Dog

Ginger’s been having issues

with her left ear and I took her in to the vet this morning. I took some time last night and earlier this morning to ask her to be patient and give the vet a chance to look into her ears. Ginger has not been very people friendly and will not sit still for people to touch her. Well.
Not only did she let the vet look into both of her ears, she let two techs hold her and carry her around. She let them clean out her ears and give her two shots (it was close to her yearly check-up) without incident.
When one tech came out of the office with Ginger in his arms I was amazed to see she was relaxed and wagging her tail! Unheard of!
Your technique is working. Thanks!
Valorie Sharmar

Yoda Dog

I chose your class because it was affordable,

I chose your class because it was affordable, I liked YOU, and because you emphasize communicating with your own animals.  Instead of pushing the goal of becoming a professional, which seems to be the focus of most of the other classes. I’m not opposed to that at all, but my MAIN aim is to chat with my babies. I want to know all about what makes them tick. They are in a sense some of my best friends, and who doesn’t want to know all kinds of things about their besties?
Tammy K., North Carolina

Yoda Dog

Your Animal Communication class 

laid the foundation for this whole awareness of what our animals are committed to when they choose to be with us humans. I had no idea about the depth of love, commitment and soul contracts our animals have. This is a new chapter for me, I am appreciating and learning.

Bless you, Marguerite & Ezra

Learn how to:

• Directly connect with your animal(s)
• Open lines of communication between you and your animal(s)
• Figure out how your gifts manifest
• Grow your intuitive gifts
• Discover what makes your animals tick

Human animal connection
Sadie Hunting

Sadie’s  communication skills have grown exponentially

since I started working with Maribeth. Anyone who spends time with Sadie is impressed with how smart she is and how well she shares her feelings and desires.  I firmly believe this evolution is due to the work we have both done with Maribeth.

Deb S.


I have been consulting Maribeth for two years.

She is absolutely amazing! Maribeth has also become my teacher and friend.
I treasure my relationship with her. She has helped in grief and happiness and with just everyday problems with my 3 dogs.

Dogs experience the same grief we do but they see things differently. Maribeth was able to explain to them what was happening.I always tried and often failed to see things through my dogs’ perspective. Maribeth got us moving in the right direction.

When we are on vacation our three dogs spend a lot of time running off leash. Chef, our Golden, wandered too far. Like a young child he didn’t even hear me call him because he was too busy. I tried to tell him I needed to be able to see him. Maribeth talked to him and she explained to me that I need to tell him that he needs to be able to see me. It worked. I was coming at the problem from the opposite direction.

I started taking Maribeth’s UConnect classes. I have always wanted to communicate with my canine family but did not think it was possible. The big bonus is finding a great community of people who also want to communicate with their animals.

Since Maribeth became my teacher my communication skills have seriously improved. Chef (he is only 3) told me that he does not always understand what I want from him. That was a huge breakthrough for me! All the hours were worth it just for that. I would never have learned that without Maribeth.

My journey with Maribeth is just beginning and I can’t wait to learn more from her. We can all do this. It takes a lot of practice and we have to learn to clear our minds, get rid of all the chatter. Maribeth is very patient and explains things so they are much easier for me to understand.

Lynn & Chef, Illinois

Emma Bassethound

I always felt that I had a connection

with my dog, Emma, but I wanted to know for sure – and fine tune my intuitive skills. I wasn’t very confident about my ability to connect telepathically – in any way, shape or form – until I took Maribeth Decker’s UConnect Class.

Thanks to Maribeth’s teaching and guidance, I have learned to not only connect with Emma, but also with my two guinea pigs and other UConnect members’ dogs! Maribeth creates a sacred environment for us to share our vulnerabilities, stories, frustrations, and celebrations. I’m so glad that I registered for UConnect.
Emma is too (she told me)!

Jill Celeste, Emma & Ray, Florida

Regan Cat

I was initially intimidated by the idea

of sharing spiritual details in a group like the UConnect class. I was afraid I wouldn’t be as good as everybody else, but Maribeth made everybody comfortable with wherever they were. And it was fascinating to see how differently some of us received similar information. Not only do I feel like I understand my animals better, but I feel more grounded myself.

Regan & Rowling, Virginia

Susan and Cammie

I absolutely loved the UConnect class

Maribeth’s compassion and knowledge are a great combination for someone new to this like was. I enrolled because friends had told me wonderful things about Maribeth. I have a rescue dog that, almost two years after her adoption, is still fearful of my husband. I wanted to understand what was going on and help her tell her story.

Since the class started, I have stronger relationships with both dogs. And Cammie is slowly becoming more trusting of my husband. I highly recommend this class for any animal lover who wants to further strengthen the bond with their animals.

Susan & Cammie, Virginia

Caution: I am not a veterinarian or a trainer. I do not provide medical advice or professional animal training advice. Consult your own inner wisdom on how to use the information and guidance I provide.

Cancellation policy: Minimum 48 hours’ notice required for single-session cancellation and rescheduling – please note that your actions affect others. Your session is a time reserved for you at others’ expense; if you cancel within 48 hours of your appointment, be advised that your prepayment is considered a donation to The Sacred Grove Animal Welfare Fund, which supports a number of local, national and international animal welfare and rescue charities. No refunds will be given once a session or class starts.

Basset hound listening

UConnect ℠

Next class starts Spring 2025!
Get the best deal  – Join the Interest List.