Success Stories
Is animal communication real? Does it work?
Good questions that should be asked and answered.
Like any modality, perfect results are tough to guarantee. This is especially true because we’re interacting with both animal and human personalities and peculiarities. But most times, the results are heartening.
There is no need to take my word for the heartwarming results – here are success stories and testimonials from my clients!
I had been following Maribeth’s posts and videos for a while. An then I read her fascinating book “Peace in Passing”, which really resonated with me. I reached out for a session with her for a pet in spirit, and it was very comforting and helpful. I had been fascinated by an earlier post of Maribeth’s where she had said that animals in spirit can still be healed and was grateful that she did so during the session. The compassionate understanding with which she conducted it gave me some closure as to the circumstances of Tilly’s passing, and what I can do to help the soul and myself. The spiritual component takes it to beyond just a communication session. Thanks, Maribeth.
Anita C & Tilly, UK
About two years ago, my husband, Dan went out of town for about two weeks. One of our cats, Dolly, was used to sleeping on him every night and really missed him. When Dan left, she started sleeping on me.
At first, I enjoyed it and felt comforted by her purr and warmth. But it slowly got where I just didn’t sleep well at all. I was trapped most of the night and she was heavy, being a long big cat. One night I decided to sleep on the couch downstairs to keep her from sleeping on me. This went on until I finally had enough. I reached out to Maribeth during a Four Week Check-In and asked her to please communicate with Dolly about sleeping next to me, not ON me.
Maribeth told Dolly that she was welcome to cuddle and snuggle, and that I couldn’t sleep when she was all over on top of me. That same night, Dolly started to climb on me then changed her mind, got off, and curled up next to me! She never tried again after that – still to this day!!
And she continues to enjoy sleeping on Dan every night. They have a very special bond and he enjoys it.
Michele & “Velcro” Dolly, Maryland
I reached out to Maribeth for a full session, to discuss my cat’s health and well-being. She described my cat’s health challenges (later confirmed by a battery of tests by my veterinarian.) Maribeth explained what my cat needed in terms of diet and supplements.
When my cat became seriously ill and I feared she was getting ready to transition, I reached out again to confirm that she was indeed leaving. Maribeth was so gentle with me, and yet also fully practical in the moment. She asked my cat to give me a “look” if she needed help to transition, a look I would understand immediately. My cat did just that, giving me a long, direct look.
I cannot put into words what peace and comfort Maribeth, and her communication with my cat before and after passing, have given to me. Read Jennifer’s whole story here.
Jennifer & Maia, Virginia
We adopted two black senior cats over 3 years ago, Molly and Dolly. Molly avoided my husband, Dan, for most of those years. I went out of town recently, leaving Dan to take care of our kitties. I always sign up for Maribeth’s Postcard from Your Pet when I leave town. She does such wonderful work communicating with and sensing what our kitties need. Molly was having such a hard time with me being away – hiding under the bed even when it was time to eat – that I asked Maribeth to please help.
That same day I got a text from Dan: “When I got out of the shower, Molly was in the bedroom yelling at me!! She wanted attention and treats! She can’t get enough petting!! What did Maribeth do???? I don’t recognize this kitty!!”.
Since that day, April 1st, Molly has been much more comfortable being around Dan and letting him pet her. THIS is one of the many reasons I love working with Maribeth (since 2019)!
Michele & Molly, Maryland
Our adopted rescue, Suki had lived with us for nearly a year and had adjusted well, when suddenly she started waking me up at 3:00 AM to go out. She had not done this before, and she did not go to anyone else on the nights I was not home. Maribeth talked to Suki and we got the sense that a spirit was suggesting Suki wake me up to play. We sensed that it was the previous owner of the house. Maribeth was able to talk to the spirit to quit it and helped them move on from this earth plane. She then talked to Suki about sleeping through the night. Sure enough, Suki now sleeps through the night and does not even wake up when my alarm goes off!
Jen & Suki, Pennsylvania
As soon as I hear someone facing difficulty with an animal in their house, my first recommendation is to talk with Maribeth. Maribeth helped us with a dog, Grace, in her last months before transitioning. She had a hard time keeping her food in her belly, but she always got sick on the carpet. When we talked with Maribeth, we discovered 1) Grace thought the carpet was what we preferred; and 2) that we did not want her anymore because of the mess. She visibly perked up as Maribeth reiterated our love for her. She lived several months after that call but it was like a new, healthier dog. And even more undeniable, she never got sick on the carpet again.
Jen & Grace, Pennsylvania
Mini, an un-neutered male who lives outside, doesn’t trust us 100% but is warming up and depends on us for food. We’re sad that other cats are fighting with him. I thought life would be easier for Mini after being neutered. But I didn’t want the procedure to break our bond.
Maribeth understood how much I valued our relationship. So, she focused on connecting Mini and me at the heart level. With Maribeth’s help, I shared how deeply I cared. I told Mini he could be a part of my family if he chose. We shared a bit about the vet visit but kept focused on our relationship. Today has been one of the most moving days I have experienced—to feel the love pouring out of me. You can’t go wrong when you follow your heart.
I realized I was pushing too hard so I cancelled the trip to the vet. The same day, Mini waltzed into the confined laundry space for dinner. I closed the screen door, fed him a glorious meal, brushed him and talked to him as he purred and ate. We had more connection than we have ever had.
A day later, Mini came to dinner again. I enclosed him in the laundry while he was eating, and he didn’t want to leave! I think he was telling me he wanted to go into the rest of the house. This has never happened before! What a breakthrough session!
Diane and Mini, California
Maribeth, thank you for the wonderful session with our cat, Javier. We noticed Javi’s food intake was decreasing, and he was losing weight. He was diagnosed with early-stage kidney disease from his time living outside as a stray. We want to support Javi’s eating but weren’t sure how. We hoped you could guide us by connecting with him.
The results of our session with you far exceeded our expectations!
You sensed that his upset stomach, making it hard for him to eat. You found out which foods worked best for him. After our conversation we switched him back to his original dry food (instead of food supposed to increase his appetite) and got rid of the wet food he doesn’t enjoy.
We are thrilled to report that he has increased his food intake on average from 30-50% since your communication with him! And he is awake more and has been more playful. He has more energy than we’ve seen in months!
At our request, you asked if he wanted his fur shaved or to be brushed more. He came back quickly with “Shave!” When he returned from his grooming appointment, he couldn’t wait to show us his new ‘do’! It’s obvious he feels much more comfortable!
This was our second session; the peace of mind both sessions gave us is invaluable. Javi adopted us after being a neighborhood stray. He’s the sweetest boy, and we want to make his life with us as good as possible. Because he’s our first (and only) cat, we sometimes question if we are doing the right things and reading his signals correctly. We appreciate the deeper information from you and the confidence it gives us in providing him with a happy and comfortable home.
Thank you for all you do!
Stacy, Dave, and Javier, Pennsylvania
Your communication with my bird S. to prepare her for rehoming was exactly what she needed. I could tell she understood what was happening when the people picked her up.
She’s been there about two weeks, and it’s all coming together perfectly. The latest message said, “She’s already a member of the flock!” I couldn’t ask for more.
You were an integral part in making this successful for all of us.
J.B. & S., Washington State
“Maribeth is an exceptionally wise and talented animal communicator—a true “animal-whisperer”— and words cannot express how grateful I am to have found her!
Seven months ago, I adopted a very fearful, anxious, adorable kitten from the SPCA. Although I did my best to surround her with love and support, she remained anxious, not unlike a human with PTSD. Because I know from my own experience that trauma is healed by talking about it, I didn’t know how to help my kitten—until I met Maribeth.
Not only did Maribeth help me “see” the specifics of the very real trauma that occurred to my kitten when she was just a few months old, she also walked me through the process of helping her heal from it, concluding the session with beautiful affirmations to about how “it is now safe to relax and play and be happy.” (Ah! Good advice for us humans, too!)
Within an hour of our session, my kitty approached me with a totally different energy. The fear was gone from her eyes and I felt a great lightening. I was so blown away by this, I immediately started practicing Maribeth’s teachings—to intend that we are communicating and understanding each other—and am thrilled to say, it works! Although I have always felt a connection with my cat, the connection we have now feels deeper, richer and stronger than I ever imagined possible.
Maribeth rescued my sweet cat from a life of fear and returned her to her true self—strong, happy and free. If you want to give your pet a voice, hire Maribeth! She is magic!”
E. Perlman and L.H., Oakland, CA
My horse got upset when I closed a gate and I felt scared of him. Maribeth took me into a deep and powerful session. She got an insight about a past life I had with this horse and we removed the energy of trauma. With her help we created new energy of love and connection and new affirmations.
I didn’t know how many skills Maribeth had! She is not only an animal communicator but an energy healer as well. I felt safe, understood, supported and it was easy for me to access deep fears. Today I feel at peace and I am looking forward to connect with my horse more. She also gave some practical advice on what would help the horse.
I highly recommend Maribeth. I have worked hundreds of hours with intuitive healers and she is one of the best. I believe that our animals help us see what it is hidden from us, if you have any troubles with your pets book a session.
Irina Mihaela & Amore, Canada
I really appreciate the work you did for my puppy, Beau and I! Beau has been real good with not going poo in the house. He has not had any other accidents! I think he really understood what you said about the fact no one else poops in the house LOL. And I did send him “pictures” in my mind of him going potty outside.
Pat & Beau
My dog, Suki created a habit of wanting to go out at 3 AM for a potty break. So I wasn’t getting any sleep. After working with Maribeth, she stopped waking me up altogether for about a week or two. It was great. Then she tried again two times. Both times I told her, “We already talked about this with Maribeth, remember? You’ll be fine until the morning!” She listened and I’m sleeping through the night again!
Jen Kline Clark & Suki, Pennsylvania
My husband Ken and I asked Maribeth to do a session for our dog, Zeus, who’d become really clingy. We wondered if he was worried about family issues and wanted to do an overall welfare check.
We’ve been talking about the results non-stop! The day after our session, Zeus seemed calmer and started coming in right away when we called him.
We feel much more confident around how to help Zeus because of all Maribeth did with US to help our sweet boy. The exercises she did with us, both during this call and our previous call were calming and grounding for ALL of us. We could feel a shift in the energy. It was magic. We’ve followed her advice on how we interact with Zeus and it’s made a HUGE difference in his responsiveness. We are DELIGHTED!
And I swear there are times Zeus has this look in eyes as if to say, “I’ll call my Auntie Maribeth and tell her that you only gave me one cookie…!” He’s such a cheeky bugger!
We can’t thank you enough for who you are and all that you do. We are looking forward to our next session with you.
Ken, Kristy & Zeus Crippen, Pennsylvania
My beloved cocker spaniel Brandy contracted painful eczema on her butt, causing her to lick and scratch herself intensely. She managed to tear out a big chunk of her fur, leaving an open wound. We saw the vet, who performed the necessary treatments and sent us home with an ointment, painkillers and a “cone of shame”. Physically, everything was probably OK, but Brandy, who had never been hurt or sick a day of her life, was totally traumatized. She was not herself at all when we got home.
She ran restlessly through the house, hid in weird places, refused to eat, and more importantly, to drink, which made me really anxious. She also seemed to have lost her trust in me, was shy and avoided contact. I asked Maribeth to explain that what Brandy had to go through was really for her own good. And she really frightened me when she wouldn’t drink or eat.
So, Maribeth had a talk with Brandy. Afterwards, Maribeth thoroughly explained to me how they had spent their time and what had been communicated. She also suggested I explore something about my relationship with Brandy, which made a lot of sense. Within 24 hours, Brandy became her own self again, increasingly eating and drinking properly. Her cocker spaniel spirit was back, with the continuously wagging tail.
After Maribeth helped us get over the “butt-issue”, our relationship has been even better than before. I sincerely recommend Maribeth’s skills and service – and coming from a Norwegian skeptic this truly means A LOT! Thank you MB!
Hanne & Brandy, Norway
Thanks to Maribeth, I was able to relax on holiday, and come home to two cats who were equally chilled and happy.
Willow, Oliver & Larry
When getting ready to welcome a new dog into our home, I reached out to Maribeth to help make the transition as smooth as possible. Our older dog, Bella the Beagle-mix, had endured a lot of changes over the previous year, including the loss of her best dog-friend, a trans-Atlantic move, and a newborn child – our first.
I worried that adding Mini, a Great Dane, would be an unwelcome intrusion. I also wanted to reassure Mini that despite any awkwardness, we would be her forever home and would be there to support and accept her.
Maribeth was wonderful! She helped me to recognize how happy Bella was to have a new dog-friend, while also clarifying her role and relationship with our son, which was more confusing than I had realized. Sometimes the best solutions are the most simple: in telling Bella that our son is not a puppy, it became so much easier to set boundaries with her and manage everyone’s expectations.
Maribeth also helped me remain positive and open during the first few weeks we welcomed Mini into our family and got her settled. Exceeding my initial expectations, I am happy to report our girls are now good buds! I am forever grateful to Maribeth for widening my perspective and for her help and support!
Allison, Bella & Mini Mollema, Virginia
Our two English Bull dogs (Jack and Henry) were extremely close. Jack passed away at age 10 and Henry became completely out of sorts. He had to go to the bathroom constantly and got up at ALL hours in the middle of the night, scratching at the door to go outside. After we took him outside, the next hour he would want to go out again. He was urinating constantly!
Maribeth was able to connect with Henry and figure out that Henry was collecting all of his anxiety in his bladder, which and it was causing irritation. She showed me the bladder meridian lines and sent me instructional videos on bladder meridian massage as well as a few other articles to help with Henry. She told me to do the massage every night before bed and have a conversation with Henry to let him know that everything is ok.
The first night after the meridian massage Henry slept until 4am and the second night he slept through the night! He has slept through the night ever since!!
We are very grateful for Maribeth’s help and would not hesitate to recommend her!
Erin B. and Henry
Thank you for talking to our older dog, Sammie about how to set boundaries with our puppy, Emmie. Later that day, Emmie was really annoying Sammie. For the first time, Sammie did exactly what you told her to do—she bared her teeth and deeply growled to let Emmie know she was being annoying. (No one hurt.) Puppy stopped and things have been pretty good since then. Thank you again.
Gordon and Selma, Northern Virginia
My husband had noticed a big change in my 11-year-old black Lab, Jazz’ energy as soon as the session with Maribeth ended. Maribeth had talked about a beach retirement for Jazz – that I had no more need for him to be my emotional support. And that is the first thing Jazz did. He brought me to the sandbars in on the edge of the South Saskatchewan River. Jazz stayed put for about an hour, lying in the sand and soaking up the sun, no moving, no walking! Before our session, Jazz wasn’t always able to go on long walks. Since then the amazing thing is that he still goes for two walks, for about 3 miles a day in total, but this happens very differently. We go around and around with him, no more long straight line 😄. But beyond that, is the release of the obsessive need to keep him in total good health that is a great shift for me. Now we have so much time being together doing nothing other than enjoying our time together. A huge weight off my shoulders and I am so aware of the preciousness of this time… I really love this time of his life. Thank you so much, Maribeth for your great help that has allowed me to be so much closer to him now.
Laurence & Jazz, Saskatchewan, Canada
Bella has been extremely anxious about my leaving her behind, and also hearing various noises. After our session, I took her with me to an acupuncture appointment. Bella stayed in the car (it was cool out). I told her before I left the car that I’d be back because I love her and I’ll always come back. While I was lying there with my needles in, I heard the garbage truck come and make lots of loud garbage truck noises. Garbage trucks are one of Bella’s primary fear objects. I focused on sending her the thought that she was safe and I was going to come back and I loved her. As I was making a connection, I saw the front of her nose and mouth – it was as if she was standing up with her face against a pane of glass. When I got back, instead of being upset, agitated and crying, she was happy to see me. She even brought me her red rubber bone. It was great!
Donna & Bella, Virginia
Maribeth has been amazing. My horse, Tica has been at an equine hospital for two weeks. Within hours of our session, she started showing improvement from conditions no doctors could explain. Maribeth explained to Tica what was taking place and then we did the healing. It is a miracle! Forever grateful!
Anna & Tica Virginia
After our talk with my 30-year-old horse, Joe in February he certainly did perk up! Our agreements (discussions) worked – he shares more energy as long as I bring happier energy.
As it has warmed up, we have been playing more often.
He even started jumping while we are playing on the ground! Imagine that! A half blind horse with some mobility limitations enjoying jumping! After he showed me that he likes bareback, we’ve been doing bareback rides once or twice a week for the last 2 weeks. He even cantered last Saturday!
Today we were riding in the pasture and found a bunch of groundhog holes and had to move spaces where the boys (horses) were living. Joe helped me move everyone in and work the gate just like the old days!
Thank you for helping us to make sure we are both getting what we need and assure me that Joe is still just as fun and spunky as ever.
Sara & Joe, Virginia
Thank you for taking the time to work with us and Fancie. In the last week, she has improved tremendously. She’s back to almost 98% of her old self.
She’s started tripping us up in the kitchen again (her favorite place to be is “in the way”) and has even let out a few good barks in the last days, something that I didn’t necessarily miss, but am so glad to be hearing again, even if it is while I’m trying to sleep 😅.
She has also regained her appetite, is taking all her meds like a champ, and is back to being able to pee outside, which has her feeling more confident overall. She continues to run in her sleep (a lot and so vigorously we once thought she was having another seizure. Nope, just dream rabbits.). We’ve started to play Christmas music for her, which I’m not sure if she’s enjoying, but it’s nice nonetheless.
I am not totally sure what you did or what you told her, but we are really just so thankful to have our babe back and I feel we owe that, at least in part, to you.
Fancie & Alex, Virginia
Thank you so much for working with my dog “B” and me. It was a wonderful experience. Before our session, B was constantly following me around and complaining. He huffed, barked, and stared. And he rarely gave up! You answered so many questions that have been haunting me.
Since our session, B has been so much better. I thought a lot about the things he communicated to you and made a lot of changes in myself. I’m trying to be more attentive, less distracted. I have my sweet boy back! B. is so much less grumpy and is back to being himself again.
I am so grateful to you for helping us!
S&B, Virginia
Our cat, Rex, who’s 12 years old, has always been “my kitty” – he was never friendly or loving towards my husband, Cody. It didn’t matter how hard Cody tried to make friends with Rex. It was hard on Cody.
After only two sessions of Maribeth asking Rex to share his love with Cody, we finally saw progress! Cody just let Rex back in after he’d been outside awhile. For the first time EVER, Rex plopped down in front of Cody & let him pet & pet & pet him!!!
RoseLynne, Cody & Rex, VIrginia
Our dog, Honey has been extremely anxious with some tough behavioral issues.. We used Maribeth’s Postcards From Your Pet to connect with Honey while we went on vacation Maribeth sent me periodic reports of how she was reassuring Honey all was well and we’d be back.
When I went to get Honey, it took her a second to recognize me. Then she went NUTS!!!. Wagging, whining, jumping on me (she never does that) and giving me kisses. She went back to give the dog, Ky love before leaving.
Honey jumped into the car without fear and sat in the front seat just staring at me the whole drive home. She was VERY happy.
Since being home, she settled right in. She is now walking down the stairs to go for a walk without any hesitation. There’s no more chasing her around to get her down the stairs and leashed up. She’s been very calm and happy. I felt like she didn’t believe I was coming back for her, and now that I did, she feels more secure.
Before the trip she would really harass me for a walk directly after dinner, now she’s waiting and patient like she knows the walk will come.
Ali & Honey, Virginia
Deidre had been itching like crazy the last few days. Maribeth checked in with her and said Deidre may have contacted something on her walk. It was still on Deidre’s skin and her paws, so medicine to stop the itching wasn’t going to be enough. (I hadn’t told Maribeth about Deidre licking her paws.)
Maribeth did some energy healing. Then asked me to give Deidre a soothing bath (not a shower) so her paws could soak in it. I did, scrubbed her paws real good and then let them sit in the soapy water as I washed the rest of her body.
Deidre shook the whole time, but I put on nice music and talked to her as I washed every part of her little body. She was all happy and was playing around with me.
After her bath, Deidre didn’t itch once!
[NOTE: Maribeth’s not a veterinarian; use her advice in addition to whatever your vet recommends.]
Thea and Deidre, Virginia
My Rhodesian Ridgeback, Abu was fear based from the time he came to us at 10 years old. He recently developed aggressive issues with medium & larger sized dogs that have gotten worse with age – barking loudly & aggressively, pulling, lunging, running towards them if he can.
I took Abu to the beach for the first time since our session with Maribeth. Wow – the difference was incredible!!! He was on leash and, while walking by other dogs, he was remained relaxed. There was zero barking.
An off-leash cattle dog came running up to him, sniffing & wanting to play. Abu was not stressed at all and was excited to play with him!
This happened a second time with an off-leash Rhodesian Ridgeback – it was a bit of a crazy scene because Abu was bouncing around trying to play with the dog while I was on the other end of the leash! But all was good because it was just playful, happy energy and zero aggression.
Another time, we did a leashed walk around the city. As we approached a corner, suddenly a huge German Shepherd appeared – he surprised and startled me! He was on leash and immediately sniffed Abu all over. . . and Abu was equally interested and sniffed him back in a completely calm, balanced, curious way!!!
In the past, the combination of being surprised by a large dog that then was immediately all up in his business would have certainly caused Abu to aggressively bark & lunge. What a JOY it was to see him respond in such a balanced way.
Maribeth, this is absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!! Words are unable to express my gratitude to you. This is life-changing for our entire family and such a massive stress reliever.
Maya & Abu, California
My foster dog Marne was very scared and withdrawn. I asked Maribeth to connect with her to give her positive reassurances.
Maribeth saw that Marne came from a situation where she didn’t interact much with people or other dogs, even though there were dogs in the yard with her. She was confused about living in the house with Kris, the other dogs and the cat. She even asked Maribeth, “Why is Kris touching me??” Maribeth explained that petting is how people express love and affection to their animals. Maribeth suggested Marnie relax, enjoy the petting, play with Marvel and even grab a toy to play with. This was her new reality.
Right after our call, Marnie grabbed a toy and started chewing on it without me doing anything! She’s finally understanding how good she’s got it here!
Kris & Marne, Colorado
I found Maribeth through a referral when the health of my senior cat, Houdini, was declining. I signed up for a remote session immediately, even though animal communication was new to me.
Maribeth helped us connect in a way that we never had before. Each session, my cat Houdini joined the Zoom call! When Houdini was dehydrated, she was able to get him to drink fluids he desperately needed. She also explained his new living situation, which eased his mind. She taught me tools and healing practices to ease my stress, which in turn made Houdini more comfortable. She scanned his body and provided healing where needed. It was profound watching him and then verifying with her that in fact, she was communicating with him and providing healing. And she made his transition over the Rainbow Bridge a sacred and peaceful process. She’s the real deal!
I love Maribeth’s work so much, I signed up for her UConnect animal communication class. This wonderful remote course helped me bond with animals even more, and in turn, has made me a more compassionate and thoughtful animal guardian and person in general.
If you’re not sure if you want to work with Maribeth, take the leap of faith. Try a session! You won’t be sorry. I’ve become one of her biggest fans and give Gift Certificates every chance I can….and I’m looking forward to working with Maribeth over and over again with my new kitten, Grace.
Kristin, Houdini & Grace, St. Martin, French West Indies
Since your communication with CJ, she seems to be more relaxed in her low back and hip area. She has a brighter countenance and bubbly attitude agaion. She does her happy dance greeting with a lick or two instead of nips! Yay!!!
This morning when doggie Allie wanted to get on the bed with us, CJ did not growl at her nor even get tense. Now you can see my happy dance! I’m glad she is going to be around for a while longer. Thank you so much for your insight and communication and energy healing. I couldn’t even get up or even write for 15-20 minutes as I was numb and tingly in my arms all the way up to my mouth and my legs were weak. I just sat and laughed about it for a while. I’ll keep working on the Green Smoothie with everyone. Looking forward to more peace, quiet and tranquility around here.
Melanie & CJ, Oklahoma
No one else could have helped us with our little dog. Mimi was able to tell Maribeth that she did not want back surgery because recovery was so long. In Mimi’s second issue, she had her gallbladder removed. Maribeth was able to calm our little girl by checking in on her telepathically when she was in the hospital. Mimi described herself as the Queen because she tries seriously to get her way, and make us take her home before her body was ready. But the help from Maribeth’s communication made her understand she needed to eat and drink before she could go home. I fully believe Mimi learned from Maribeth because I think Mimi actually contacted me today. Maribeth has a rare gift and we will continue to visit her with our furry family member.
Margaret, Bernie & Mimi, Virginia
My young cat, Cracker Jack loved playing with our new kitten, Autumn. But he was really rough, pinning her down and not letting go even when she cried. Maribeth connected with Cracker Jack to find out if Autumn was “prey” or a playmate. Happily, Cracker Jack saw Autumn as a playmate. So Maribeth asked him to be gentler in his play, especially since we were leaving them alone for the weekend. The weekend went well – we came home to happy kitties & I have observed that Cracker Jack is being gentle with Autumn. I would not have felt comfortable leaving her out in the house if Maribeth had not talked to Cracker Jack initially & gotten reassurance of no prey drive.
Maureen, Cracker Jack & Autumn, VA
Maribeth’s kindness, compassion, and love were completely evident as we made the difficult decision to release Princess Leia from her failing body. Maribeth talked Leia through the process, explained what Leia was going through to our puppy Fergus, and helped us express to Leia how beloved she was. As a result, a difficult situation felt peaceful, supportive, and loving.
I continue to be incredibly grateful to have Maribeth in our lives. She’s truly a special person whose empathy and sense of humor are unique gifts to this world.
Debby K, Leia, & Fergus
I always felt that I had a connection with my dog, Emma, but I wanted to know for sure – and fine tune my intuitive skills. I wasn’t very confident about my ability to connect telepathically – in any way, shape or form – until I took Maribeth Decker’s UConnect Class. Thanks to Maribeth’s teaching and guidance, I have learned to not only connect with Emma, but also with my two guinea pigs and other UConnect members’ dogs! Maribeth creates a sacred environment for us to share our vulnerabilities, stories, frustrations, and celebrations. I’m so glad that I registered for UConnect. Emma is too (she told me)!
Jill Celeste, Emma, & Ray, Florida
Last winter and spring I often had my sliding doors and windows open and my two cats got to go between the house and the caged pool deck as they pleased. But Florida summers are warm and muggy even early in the day (often before sunrise). Once it got hot, I just couldn’t have the sliding doors open for too long with the air conditioner running. And I didn’t want to shut the door and cut off access to their litter box. My cats were really stressed to not have access to the outdoors anymore. I connected with them, to see how we could negotiate a deal. I told them that I would try to give them at least a few minutes each morning to be outside if they would come in whenever I called them. That was in early July. It’s now mid-September, and we’ve all kept to our agreement. Some mornings they’ve only gotten 10-15 minutes when it was still dark. Other mornings they’ve had closer to an hour before weather and/or my schedule meant the door needed to be closed. There have been maybe 3-4 times I’ve had to go outside to get the attention of one or the other during that time. Most mornings they both get up and come in cheerfully and promptly when I call. They never did this before. I am so happy to have an effective way of resolving situations like this so that we come away with a win-win. Thank you Maribeth for teaching me how to effectively communicate with them!
Judy, Dom and Ringo
Whenever we left for a vacation our cats, Terra and Chi, have always been very stressed. I worried about them while we were gone. Our pet sitter was kind and conscientious, so my take on it was that the cats were experiencing separation anxiety and/or perhaps thought we wouldn’t return. They wouldn’t eat properly, they were frightened, they hid, etc. When we returned from long weekend trips, both had lost weight. The pet sitter always reported that they were hiding from her and didn’t want much, if any, interaction. The pictures she sent always showed them hiding.
This time we were going away for a week so I was really worried. I emailed Maribeth for help and she responded right away. She explained that she would be regularly checking in and communicating with Terra and Chi while we were gone, as well sending emails to me regarding their “chats.” Each time the pet sitter reported in about the cats (with pictures ) she said they were much more relaxed and interactive and were actually eating well! I could see the difference when I looked at the photos. Chi was out and visiting with her and had his tail in the happy position (over his back). Terra was more relaxed as well. For once, I was actually able to relax and not worry while on vacation. After we returned, the pet sitter said this last pet sitting for Terra and Chi was the best one she had experienced. I couldn’t have been more pleased with Maribeth’s help!
Susanna A., Terra, & Chi, Oregon
I had asked Maribeth why Noodle was not cuddly with me. She sensed that my other dogs (Peanut and Stephanie) were telling Noodle to stay away from me; I was all theirs. I noticed immediately that Peanut and Stephanie were much kinder to Noodle after Maribeth’s session with them. Noodle seems much more relaxed in their presence. I’m now reminding Stephanie and Peanut that their motto needs to be “love and respect” for all when dealing with Noodle.
And Maribeth’s added healing work into her communications with Noodle has worked fabulously! I got the most amazing news from our vet this week about Noodle’s kidney. His kidneys have been showing signs of disease for over six months. We were concerned about the effect his pain medication might have on them. To our amazement, his blood work and urinalysis came back completely normal this week. The vet has no explanation for it—those were her exact words: no medical explanation for the sudden reversal. Thank you again for your help with my doggies.
Beth S., Noodle, Stephanie, & Peanut, Virginia
In a home with six cats, it’s easy for life to get chaotic or for someone to feel left out. We had a boys versus girls situation going on, as well as some bullying. Plus, I believed Loki didn’t like me, and I desperately wanted to connect with him.
Maribeth connected with our menagerie, meeting each cat intuitively (it was SO cool as she described each cat’s personality to me). Maribeth asked the boys to be kind to Baby Girl, who is the old lady of the bunch, and be more empathetic to her. Loki didn’t realize how much I wanted his affection, so once Maribeth told him, his behavior changed. He sits on my lap and sleeps next to me. I couldn’t be more delighted!
Teresa K, Ozzie, Loki, Izzy Katz, Cosmo, Perky & Baby Girl (6 cats!), Virginia
I have been taking your advice in regards to communicating with my cat Teeg II. I explained that if I let him outside, he has to stay on the porch. My friends and neighbors are surprised to see a cat minding his boundaries. He does not leave the porch no matter where I am around the house.
Secondly, I spoke with him this morning and asked him if he had been my pet before and to send me a picture of who he was before. He sent me a clear picture of my cat that he was named after.
Here’s his story! Last year I had the strangest feeling that there was a kitty looking to find me. I asked for help in finding him because I knew he was out there. I searched the local shelters on the net and saw Teeg II’s photo at a local shelter. He had similar markings and colors as his predecessor and his name was ROY!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have been inseparable ever since.
Roy & Teeg II
I also had a rooster Jack (now deceased) that would periodically bite me. Overall, he was a very good rooster and protected his girls, but the biting had to stop. I explained to Maribeth that he bites me because he sometimes doesn’t want to be picked up or he sees me as a threat when I would pick up one of the girls. Maribeth helped Jack understand that when I pick him or one of the girls up I mean them no harm and I am trying to help them – even if it is uncomfortable some times (administering meds etc). She told Jack to look into my heart and he could tell the “good” people from the “bad” people (not that there were any “bad” people in his life!). She told me to say to him “Look at mama’s heart”. I never had to say it and he never bit me again (that was about 6 months of time before he passed). I particularly wanted to wait and see if he behaved himself in the spring – when he usually became a little more testosterone-driven and a bit more aggressive. He was a very good boy right to the end.
Maribeth does amazing work with animals and their caregivers. Animals react in ways we humans sometimes don’t understand, but Maribeth can help untangle the mystery and everyone gets heard and understood. Life has been much simpler and safer for all of us in our household since I had my session with Maribeth Decker. Thank you Maribeth.
Lil Sklenarik, Wrigley, & Jack, Massachusetts
I discovered Maribeth Decker in the Zebra newspaper of Alexandria, Virginia. The timing of my discovery felt as a blessing. My older Welsh corgi Harry had recently been feeling ill having trouble with his food and vomiting. I had taken him to our usual veterinarian a few times but they seemed at a loss at diagnosing Harry’s problems. He would get better and then relapse. Maribeth has the unusual ability to feel animal’s thoughts, communicate to them messages from me, and ask them about their physical ailments.We scheduled a remote (by phone) reading for Harry, which also included my younger Welsh corgi, Grace Kelly. Maribeth first taught me how to meditate so I would be more connected with my own animals. I found this very relaxing and I now understand the true value of quiet meditation. We next went into the physical scan of Harry’s body.
Maribeth immediately picked up on a twisted foot that Harry had injured on a sprint down our staircase a few days ago. What she told me next, revealed the true source of pain and discomfort. Harry had communicated about a very sore area in his mouth, far in the back on one side that is most likely an infected molar. Harry told Maribeth that “It hurts a lot.” We realized that Harry would only chew soft foods recently, so this makes sense. She said that Harry told her he has a low grade headache as well. Overall, she felt that Harry’s life force is strong and that he is proud to be the strong male dog that he is; he feels very protective of his pack. He feels well.
Then Maribeth began her conversation with my younger female dog Grace. She came from a very large dog breeder home, with 10 other Corgis. I was concerned that she might miss the huge pack she was born into. I was delighted to hear that Grace is thrilled to be in our home where she receives large amounts of attention and a “human bond that she never knew would ever be available to her”. She is “delighted” to be a part of our family. Maribeth also explain to Grace that we are reducing her caloric intake to help her lose weight for her well being, not as a punishment.
Maribeth then focused some very healing energy onto Harry. I noticed a distinct increased level of energy in Harry after the session. I am very grateful for Maribeth’s abilities, her compassion for both animals and their humans, and I feel that I now have a medical plan to pursue to get Harry well. I have an appointment with a new vet to have his teeth cleaned and examined, and any necessary extractions done. I was not aware of this issue and the old vet had not discovered it. I highly recommend Maribeth for any of your animals, to find out where they hurt, to let us know how they feel. This wonderful ability she has, allows us to have a window into our pets’ minds and bodies so that we can address their needs for a longer, healthier life. My dogs were very open to communicating with Maribeth and shared so many details. All our questions were answered. Maribeth is very personable and her love of animals shines through her interaction. What a unique and intriguing experience this reading was! Thank you Maribeth Decker for all you do!
Lillis W., Harry & Grace
Samson, who is about 13, & I worked with Maribeth for a sore that would not heal. The vet offered to do surgery, but I first wanted to see if Samson was willing to go through with the surgery. When Maribeth connected with Samson, she heard a very determined, “NO WAY JOSE!”
Instead, we focused on healing his sore. First, Maribeth did an intuitive body scan. She felt there was something stuck under his skin surrounded by scar tissue – she heard the word, “encapsulated.” Maribeth used energy healing to help release the object and draw it to the surface. We completed our remote sessions in November. The sore was still active, although not as bad as before. Maribeth continued to send Samson remote Scalar Wave energy healing.
In December, it looked as if we were going to have to take Samson back to the vet. The sore was open and he was licking it, so I thought I’d make an appointment at the end of the year for another shot of the antibiotic. A few days later I checked it again, and the sore was gone. I could barely tell where it had been. He began to act peppier and more playful. Now the hair has almost grown back and I can’t even feel the wound. He’s playing with his toys like a kitten and has resumed his role as alpha cat. I’d about given up, it had been so long!
Marynance S. & Samson, California
So you know, whatever healing you have been performing for Rudy has been a huge success!! He is eating, taking his medication, going for walks, and sleeping well. He doesn’t seem to be in any pain. I (and my doctors) are blown away by this little dude, and his ability to persevere through his health issues.
He will be 17 in February – I am working through my own issues of anxiety related to anticipating the worst. We are enjoying every day. When I wake up in the morning each day and I see his tail wagging so fast that it is a blur, I know we might just have one more day. I love him so much.
(Note from Maribeth: Remember, this is one client’s story, it’s not a scientific study; there are no guarantees. But it still warmed my heart & reminded me that energy healing is REAL.)
Cathy H. & Rudy, Colorado
A year after having to move my feline family of four into a smaller house due to the breakup of my relationship, Clyde was peeing on my new bed and on other blankets especially when I had to leave town. Sometimes if I didn’t get up and feed him, he would pee next to me while I was still in the bed. When the vet confirmed that he did not have health issues, I reached out to Maribeth hoping to find a solution. I filled out the information form detailing all of the stress of the past year and the way the cats were interacting. I sent Maribeth recent photos and then she conducted a phone session. It was fascinating and eventful.
Clyde was very “talkative” through his energy self. The first thing he did was “fly” up to Maribeth’s consciousness like an erratic, released balloon with his mouth wide open to show her what had happened. He recently had a fang removed – the ONLY thing I had forgotten to tell her! Clyde had more emotion than he could handle, had lost part of his family connection and was unhappy about the loss of his tooth. Maribeth explained that his fang had been broken and was removed so it did not become painful and that it was not likely to happen again. Then, she talked to him about the peeing outside the litter box. He initially acted like a kid (he is 4) and said he didn’t know what she was talking about; however, he owned up pretty quickly. He was literally pissed off about all of the changes and wondered if my ex-partner was coming back. Maribeth told him that I had to move out of that negative environment but he could keep his love connection to her. Maribeth cleared his chakras and helped Clyde emotionally reconnect to me and to his new home. We ended the session with Clyde saying that he wanted to be a part of my family and Maribeth conducting some healing work with me to reduce my stress and raise my energy.
About a week after the session when I was late in feeding the cats, Clyde peed on the bed right in front of me. I fussed at him and told him that this was the behavior we discussed and it had to stop for us to live as a happy family. That incident seems to have been a test for him because he has not done it since. I hold up my part of the bargain though, by feeding him on time and reduce temptation by shutting my bedroom door when I’m gone.
I am so grateful for Maribeth’s work with Clyde. After a year of extreme changes and stress, I could no longer handle his behavior. She helped bring peace to my home and strengthened the bonds with my feline family.
Susan & Clyde, Virginia
I hired Maribeth to help with undesirable behaviors my rescue cat, Princess Leia exhibited when I traveled. They were bad enough that I would hide my packing from Princess Leia. And when I got back, it was like I was being punished. Learn more about my experience by watching the video at the top of this page.
Debby & Princess Leia, Maryland
After seeing my dog Grover struggle with unpredictable aggressive behavior – lunging at trucks in the road, growling/barking at other dogs – I knew that we needed some extra help. We had adopted Grover 3 years ago. He had bad past experiences that were affecting his behavior.
I came to Maribeth with the goal of reshaping some of his behaviors but left with much more than that. Grover has greatly improved his interactions with other dogs and other triggers that used to scare him such as loud trucks. What was much more valuable was the context of the relationship I have with Grover. He is no longer a pet that I need to control – he is an individual who is capable of communicating emotions and thoughts. Maribeth provided the tools to facilitate this realization and gave me the confidence to continue to improve my communication and his behavior moving forward.
The time and the investment with Maribeth has been more beneficial than I could have imagined. I would highly recommend the journey for anyone who wants help understanding their furry friends so that everyone can move forward in a positive way. Thank you Maribeth!!!!!
Dr. Jake Dodds, DC & Grover, Virginia
A dear friend referred me to Maribeth after the passing of my beloved cat, Britney. I had felt an inconsolable grief and a steady stream of tears over those next couple of weeks. It was a grief unlike any I have ever known.
I gained such deep insights as I reconnected with Britney during my phone call with Maribeth. The session was tremendously healing and comforting. Since our call, a smile comes across my face every time I think of Britney. I feel such peace and joy and gratitude instead of deep sorrow and loss.
I’m truly grateful for the special work that comes through Maribeth. What a blessing to have been referred to her by my dear friend.
Nancy W. & Britney, North Carolina
My dog Sakari had severe separation anxiety. When my trainer suggested an animal communicator, I was skeptical. We had been training for 6 months and still could only leave her alone for less than 20 minutes before she started destroying the house and injuring herself. It was a life or death situation.
What did I have to lose in working with Maribeth? We focused on both Sakari and Rudy, my 16-year-old rat terrier. Rudy had been diagnosed with cancer 6 months earlier, and was given 6 months to live.
Imagine how I felt when Maribeth said Rudy had a very strong life energy; he wasn’t ready to go. Part of me was happy and part of me thought she was crazy. Fast forward 5 more months – Rudy is still with me, feisty and happy and outliving every doctor’s prediction.
I crated Sakari for her safety. Both a certified behaviorist and my trainer recommended this. Maribeth didn’t think Sakari could handle confinement long-term; Sakari wanted more space. I gave her access to a room upstairs, where she could look out a window. She loved it.
Maribeth asked if I had any safety issues that might impact Sakari. I brushed it off with a defiant “No, everything is fine!” But one night I experienced anxiety and couldn’t find Sakari. I found her with her head under the bed. I realized she picked up my anxiety!
I then worked hard to manage my own energy. These anxiety-reducing practices were key to her healing. Plus, Maribeth shared with Sakari that I was never going to leave her and she is safe with me. Within weeks, Sakari improved and within a few months I could leave her home alone while I went to work. Other people told me that separation anxiety was incurable, but we had overcome it!
Can I say what one thing caused us to overcome this terrible time? No, but I firmly believe that Maribeth had something to do with it. I am a believer that Maribeth has a precious gift. Thank you, Maribeth, for sharing your gift and healing my family.
Cathy H. & Sakari, Colorado
Thanks so very much for your lovely gift to me this week – the session with my dog Sophie, who had just passed on – the support, the empathy, the visualization, the healing… and love. Sad as I am, I have a new sense of Almost-Peace, and I have you to thank!
Ellen R. & Sophie, New York
I attended a seminar that Maribeth put on in Colorado in March. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I’ve never attended an animal communication event before but I was curious and open minded about it. I was very pleased. Not only is Maribeth one of the nicest and most down to earth people I’ve met but she also explained animal communication in a very relatable way. I would happily attend another seminar by Maribeth and will refer clients to her in the future.
Thank you.
Courtney Kemper, CPDT- KA, Colorado
Trainer -RMRDTA Graduate
As a dog trainer specializing in “difficult dogs,” I often need a little extra insight into what is going on with the dog and his or her family.
I can refer the dog’s family to Maribeth for a deeper soulful connection. Maribeth has helped my clients to deal with a dog’s separation anxiety. She has helped a rescue dog express his feeling that lead to his aggression. She has helped a dog understand his grief over the sudden passing of his human.
As a dog trainer, I have solutions to behavior problems, but I don’t always have the helpful soul solutions for the families.
Maribeth is a joy to work with. She is fun to talk with and she does all of what she does with all her heart!
Grace Dog Training & Behavior
Ana Melara, CPDT-KA, Colorado
We decided to contact Maribeth after we had to put our dog down and needed some peace with all of it – to try and make sense of what happened. Her website just popped up when I was looking for an animal shelter to donate our dog’s food & treats. I believe it was divine intervention and our dog guiding me to Maribeth. So, I checked it out sounded like something that would help me.
What Maribeth did that was helpful, useful was that she was very understanding and compassionate. We meditated and the creative visualization to help us connect with our dog. The techniques were very calming and relaxing.
We like working with Maribeth because she was very down to earth, easy to talk with. She made us feel at ease about all of this.
The outcome is that we are more at peace with why this all happened to us and that there was a reason. She helped us to see that. There was forgiveness between us and our dog. Maribeth gave us that closure we needed. She also helped us to know how our cat was feeling and going forward how our cat feels about getting another dog. We will never forget her. Thank you.
A., Virginia
Working with Maribeth helped me to feel more connected to my dog Luke before his passing. It was so emotionally challenging watching him decline and not knowing how he was feeling or what he needed. I felt more prepared when it came time for him to leave us. Maribeth is so loving and caring. She cares so deeply for animals and it was a great comfort to have her help us during this time. I would highly recommend her to anyone who would like to feel more connected to their pet.
Cortney Chaite & Luke, Maryland
Highly recommend Maribeth Decker for her animal communication skills. She has helped my dog B with some of his anxiety and his aggressive tendencies. It was clearly noticeable after she had communicated with him. He was calmer and when we did have some flare ups I would use the verbiage and techniques that Maribeth used and shared with us and it was also helpful.
Maribeth is a very calming person to be around and some how that calmness can transfer to those of us lucky enough to work with her and our animals. I have also taken one of her classes and found it very interesting and helpful for meditations.
Thank you Maribeth!
Colleen & B, Virginia
Maribeth helped me reach out to Cynder. She is a 12-year-old rescue with some aggression issues toward other dogs and some people. We were so worried that these issues would escalate and that she would bite someone. We worked with a trainer in the past and these issues were still manifesting. In working with Maribeth, the human aggression and fence aggression have both improved immensely. She is a happy, healthy dog that has adjusted to our home and needs. She is less aggressive at the fence and much less reactive to people. We are very pleased with Cynder’s progress and all of the help that Maribeth provided. Cynder has bonded with me even more. I really appreciate Maribeth’s help, and am so grateful we were able to communicate with Cynder and keep her happy and safe.
Renee & Cynder Arlington, VA
“As a work from home mompreneur, most days I work with my dog Posey at my feet. Posey is a lab mix with a lot of energy and prefers to be close to us at all times. So when I went away for a business conference this summer, her world was rocked. Even though my husband came home every few hours to check on her, let her out and play with her, we knew she was out of sorts.
On day two of my conference I received a text from my husband (who rarely if ever texts me during the work day). Knowing he would never interrupt me unless it was really important, I looked at his message and discovered that Posey had run away. Turns out, she’d already been missing for two hours when he decided to text me.
Frantic and visibly upset, the woman sitting next to me offered to go get help. She said there was an Animal Communicator in the room who just might be able to help. Not sure I even believed in animal communication but wanting to get Posey home safe and sound, I was willing to try anything.
Before I knew it Maribeth was sitting with me. A soft-spoken and lovely woman who immediately made me feel at ease. I began telling her what happened. Talking about Posey. Telling her the details of what I knew my husband told me about her being gone, all the while still talking via text to my husband who was searching for her without any luck.
As we were talking, Maribeth began to tell me she was communicating with Posey. She was telling her what we were saying and how much we wanted her to come home. We continued that way for a few minutes and then suddenly my husband texted me, he found her. He had her in his arms and was bringing her home.
Until working with Maribeth I had no idea this work even existed. Now I’m amazed at how powerful it is. A year ago our dog Tilly died unexpectedly and I only wish I’d known Maribeth so I would have been able to communicate with her before she’d passed.
Maribeth has a gift. If you ever have the pleasure of working with her, you’ll say it was one of the best experiences of your life. Thank you Maribeth. I’m a true believer!”
Jeannie Spiro, RI
I met Maribeth the day we had to put our puppy down because her cancer had overtaken her. Three months later I still miss our puppy and am reminded of her sweetness.
I was introduced to Maribeth, where I was attending a conference, when I fell apart at the thought of losing our little girl. Without hesitation, Maribeth came right up to me, was there for me in my pain and sadness, and held my hand until I could compose myself. It was a day I will never forget.
Thank you Maribeth for being there for me.
Kathleen, Rhode Island
The first visit to the surgeon’s office, I could hardly drag Sadie into the building. She was really nervous and was very anxious when the doctor was examining her. Sadie was about to have knee surgery and I wanted her to know this was going to take time to recover but that this would allow her to run and play with her friends, something she truly enjoys. 8 weeks is a long time to not run, and 2 weeks of doing nothing when she was used to running twice a day was going to be a huge challenge. I asked Maribeth to help me communicate with Sadie about what she was going to experience.
When I took Sadie to the vet the day of her surgery, it was clear our session with Maribeth had helped both of us. Sadie did not hesitate to go into the building at all this time. She did not hesitate to go with the staff, when it was time for us to part.
The next 8 weeks went as best as could be expected. Sadie did exactly what she needed to do in her physical therapy and has made a full recovery. Her surgeon, physical therapist, Sadie, and I are very pleased with how everything worked out. We are back at the dog park playing with friends, running, jumping and living life joyfully.
Deb S. & Sadie, Jericho, Vermont
A friend introduced me to Maribeth after Sophie my dear friend, companion, and teacher passed. Anyone who met Sophie knew she was special and I was so lucky to have her in my life. I did not tell Maribeth anything about her, just sent a photo before our phone call. We were late in connecting – not unusual for me, but Sophie is the best when it comes to keeping time. I would tell her how long I would be gone and if I was late, she would start pacing at the time I told her I would return (that is what my friends told me who she stayed with). So it was clear to me that we were connecting when Maribeth said Sophie was pointing out that we were late in staring our call. I had to laugh as this was totally Sophie. Some of the things Maribeth said I had not thought about until she mentioned them and it really helped me see things I had not seen before. How lucky to feel such a connection as I do with Sophie. I am grateful for the call and experience we shared.
Sophie, New Hampshire
From Mary, Callie’s Guardian: My 20 year old Quarter Horse Mare, named Callie was a starvation/rescue case. Ever since I’ve had her, she has had episodes which look like seizures but it has been about 3-4 a year. Recently, she started having the seizures more regularly. Sometimes, they’d last as long as 3 minutes. She had two in one week. Shortly after that, we had Maribeth come out to do healing work on Callie. Maribeth had never worked on a horse but she soon had Callie so relaxed Maribeth was worried she might fall over! When she did her healing work on Callie, I felt it as well. Maribeth said that was because Callie and I are connected. Since her healing work, Callie has only had one seizure. She’s since been diagnosed with epilepsy which is extremely rare in horses. I think that Maribeth’s work has made a difference in her seizures because they aren’t happening with the frequency that they were before she did her healing work and she’s only had one seizure since.
Callie, Clifton, Virginia
I have used Maribeth’s animal communication services to contact my recently departed Sheltie. I know other friends who had used her and they raved about her abilities, but I have to admit that I remained skeptical of whether this was even possible. I am glad I was proven wrong. Maribeth was able to communicate with her and with my Sheltie who is still with us. Even though she had never met my dog, her communication reflected my dog’s personality exactly. She provided great insight and the love we had for our dog and she for us. Maribeth has my strongest recommendation whether you are seeking her out for animal communication or therapeutic massage. I know you won’t be disappointed.
Michael M.
Maribeth is the real deal. Our dog has periodic episodes of seizures that, once started, can ramp up in frequency and severity, and can last for months before calming down into intermission. He had an unusually intense period with a couple of episodes that we weren’t sure he was going to come out of without lasting damage, or at all. We knew there had to be something more driving the seizures. Maribeth was able to facilitate breaking the cycle. Both the immediate intense episodes, and the overall pattern. After a few echoes, he’s been seizure free for 8 months. Thanks Maribeth!
Dr. Kim Muzinski
Maribeth, I want to thank you for your efforts with our dog Brennan. She was adopted from Pet Rescue, and had some rather significant anxiety issue relating to men. That anxiety has been straining my relationship with her for months. After your connection with her, I noticed a significant change in her behavior and confidence around me. I want to thank you for your time and efforts with her. I hope many other pet owners have an opportunity to work with you. Thanks so much, Richard.
Richard L. Stone, CLU, LUTCF, CBC, AIF
Brennan, Virginia
Dear Maribeth,I just wanted to thank you so much for your services. Before meeting you, I was having trouble sleeping, and waking up feeling very achy and worn out. Since I’ve seen you, I have been sleeping great, waking up feeling refreshed and ready to start my day. The healing energy session that we did has done wonders for my mind and body. I feel as though a huge weight of stress and anxiety has been lifted. Best regards, Melissa
Melissa Pleasant, Seattle, Washington
I had to seek out Maribeth for some healing a few weeks ago. When she told me she was practicing healing on animals and individuals, I was a bit skeptical, but to hear her talk about it seems the most natural thing in the world. Recently, I had a very sharp pain in my back that would come and go through the day and by the second day I was beginning to think I should call a doctor. But I remembered Maribeth, and called her for help, asking her to send some healing thoughts my way and the location on my back. The next morning – no pain! I was so grateful for the relief. Thanks MB!
Deborah Kanarek, Buffalo, New York
Yes, I want to communicate with my animal!
Would you like to communicate directly with your animal? You can do that!