Interview with Maribeth
I am an intuitive animal communicator, medical intuitive and energy healer for animals and their people.
I connect telepathically with animals to allow people to have a two-way conversation with them. It is not a physical connection, it’s mind to mind.
I share what I receive from the animal with you. And I share your animal whatever you would like to communicate. I receive pictures, emotions, physical sensations and even memories from your animals.
Through medical intuition, I receive information on how they feel physically, where there are issues in the body and the level of pain they are experiencing. I provide a sense of whether the body finds relief or a beneficial effect from treatments or medications, although of course, I do not replace a licensed professional. And whether they’re up for more treatment.
I use various energy healing techniques, including those I’ve learned from Tina Zion, to help clear both emotional and physical issues. Sometimes I help you clear your issues regarding your beloved animal’s issue. That helps everybody!
Sadly, I didn’t come out of the womb talking to animals! Around 2007-2008, when I became a Reiki Master (a form of gentle energy healing), my dogs started communicating with me. But I wasn’t listening; I thought it was my imagination or it was interesting but not significant.
Then we found Tibor who had numerous fear/aggression issues. Every time I sat next to Tibor, I got the image of a German Shepherd attacking a man wearing thick padding – it reminded me of pictures I saw of attack/guard dog training. I was determined to find out what was going on.
That’s when I found out animal communication was a “thing” and I could learn how to do it on purpose. I was hooked!
The ability to communicate intuitively is possible with all animals. However, wild animals have their own lives and truly, aren’t usually paying attention to us unless we do something that impinges on their life. They see us as part of the environment, not part of their community. They don’t EXPECT us to initiate communication.
But it’s possible to communicate with them. I’ve successfully communicated with my nephew’s caterpillar and my mother-in law’s shingles virus. I participated in a 3-day workshop communicating with wildlife in sanctuaries.
Mostly I work with cats, dogs and horses because their humans want to communicate with them. And we have an easier time because they want to communicate with us. If you think about it, we are already communicating with the animals in our family on some level. I just help people communicate more effectively.
Animals I have communicated with:
Nooo, not even close. Watch me walk my dogs sometime and you’ll know I’m not a trainer or behaviorist.
I don’t read animals’ body language. I receive my information telepathically instead of physical information.
No, I don’t know how to hypnotize anyone! We just connect and communicate telepathically.
I’m a vegetarian.
I did not become a vegetarian to become healthier. Rather, I wanted to take a personal stand for the humane treatment of other species.
This shift occured after reading J. M. Coetzee’s book, Elizabeth Costello. The book highlighted why Elizabeth talked about why she was a vegetarian idespite he fact that neither her readers nor her family understood her reasoning.
Here are the overall reasons:
The animal’s behavior is worrying or frustrating the human. It would make the human happy when the behavior changes. Examples include elimination in the wrong place, aggression, anxiety-induced destruction, refusing medical treatment (a feral miniature donkey), throwing the rider off their back (horses), excessive barking. View more examples on the SOS page. When animals and humans discuss the behavior, it can improve.
People want to prepare their animal for a change in the family routine – going on vacation, animal scheduled for surgery, a new person (baby or other family member) or a new animal is coming into the family. Or a family member is leaving to a forever home or will be passing on. This helps reduce the animal’s stress due to wondering what’s going on.
The person wonders if the animal is ready to transition, wants to know how they’re feeling, wants to tell them about the transition and see if they have any requests. This helps them feel more peace about the decisions they have made and helps animals let go of the body more easily when the time comes.
They want to see if their animal is OK in the afterlife, so they can let go of some of their grief.
It’s unrealistic to ask your animal to be perfect at all times. You will be disappointed if you hold them to a higher standard than you would hold yourself.
I can’t exactly say, “they’re only human,” but you get the idea. Allow for personalities and peculiarities in animals as well as people and you’ll be much happier with the results. Many clients see enough progress or receive enough benefit that one session is enough.
Still, sometimes one session is not enough. Quick fixes for animals’ chronic issues are rare just like for us humans. Here are some of the reasons people choose to do more than one session.
Visit my page, Work with Maribeth for an overview of MaribethConnect individual sessions and how I work. Here are my packages and programs:
I want to have a two-way conversation with my animal!
You can do that with Maribeth’s help!
Probably not. Animal communicators focus on the personality, so to speak – thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories.
Working with other professionals makes sense because each will provide suggestions from their area of expertise. Take a dog who pulls and barks aggressively on a walk. A dog trainer can teach how to manage the animal on a walk.
I can help the animal understand how they should act on a walk, why AND let them experience how happy it will make their person feel when they do it!
These professions include veterinary (holistic is a bonus), animal chiropractic. dog training, animal behaviorists, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), homeopathy, aromatherapy and veterinary nutrition – check out the American College of Veterinary Nutritionists.
I take a few minutes to review and release any intruding thoughts and emotions; I envision putting them into a blue school locker for later. Then I do a scan of my body, noting anything that’s tight, painful or just off. I ask my body to release the sensation. If it doesn’t release, I note that.
This way, I am clear about what is my issue and what is coming from the animal. I also sit meditatively with the picture of the animal to see what comes up. Usually it’s the essence of the animal, or a sense of how it’s feeling emotionally and sometimes physically.
Prior to starting, I set an intention that we receive the clearest, most accurate information for everyone’s highest good.
I connect to the animal and, if it’s a remote session, ask them to visit me in my office and see how they show up. They might slink in, dance in, strut in – however they show up gives us information about how they feel. When doing an in-person session, I usually ask them to relax. I tell them this is not going to be a veterinary visit – no poking, prodding, sticking with needles. Just hanging out.
Then I ask what they’d like to share and start a conversation about what the person wants to talk about. If we find the animal has negative thoughts, emotions or memories, I will do energy healing to release them. Many times, we also do some emotional release for the person around the issue.
Sometimes a body scan is a good idea. I share the sensations I pick up and where they are. When appropriate, I will also uncover any energetic information that might be influencing how the animal feels, emotionally or physically. I ask my guides to tell me the best way to release and clear all the stuff that interferes with the animal’s wellbeing. I may ask you to work with me to help the animal, just by using your imagination. I always tailor my actions to suit the purpose for the session – imparting information, clearing energy that affects their physical or emotional bodies or end of life and other transitions.
I scan physical bodies to pick up areas that are troublesome. It’s not a medical diagnosis. It’s what a layperson might say if they were describing how they felt. It can give the animal’s guardian additional information to be aware of when they are working with their veterinarian or other healthcare provider.
When appropriate, I also scan bodies for energies in and around them that may be detrimental to the individual’s physical or emotional wellbeing.
I am glad to do energy healing in either case.
No, not at all. Remember, the connection is not physical, it is telepathic.
Sometimes my connection is much easier during remote sessions if you have an animal whi’s extremely agitated in an office setting.
Nope. I’ve worked with a client in New Jersey whose dog was with her animal trainer cousin in North Carolina.
Wherever they are, the animal can do whatever they need or want to. Including grooming… But there are times that their person will tell me they just started staring intently at them or the phone, as if they want us to know they are participating. That’s fun!
I work with people who love their animals as much as they love the humans in their lives! These people are unapologetic about their animals being part of their family.
People come to me when they are worried about their animal and want to find out what’s going on from the animal’s perspective. They want to see their animals’ behavior improve.
Or they want to tell their animals about a change in their life – the humans are going on vacation (who will be watching them how long will they be out); they are bringing in a new family member; or a family member’s leaving.
Finally, I work with people who wonder if their animals are ready to transition and want me to ensure the ending goes smoothly. Knowing that the animal is ready is extremely stress-reducing for the person. Telling the animal what’s going to happen and bathing them in loving, relaxing energy as they transition makes their last moments on this earth comfortable instead of scary.
I don’t work with people who are absolutely sure there is no such thing as intuition or telepathy.
Also, people who are not open-minded about energy healing are probably not a good fit.
I don’t play well with people who want me to tell the animal to “straighten up and fly right.” It’s more complicated – both beings have free will. Change in behavior comes from a loving, respectful request from the person. And sometimes the person needs to be willing to change based on a request from the animal.
Results depend on your reason for working with me and how you view your relationship with your animal.
Many times, you’ll see an improvement in behavior after the first session. But there can be setbacks. Still, you may become more in tune with your animal’s needs and desires, so you see progress continue.
Physical issues are tricky. Animal communication and healing can make a positive difference. But people need to continue working with their healthcare providers.
Yes. Here is a recent testimonial from the website. Also, check out the blogs.
I was dealing with a dog with severe separation anxiety.
I felt like it was a life-or-death situation and I was completely freaked out.
I could only leave Sakari alone for less than 20 minutes before she started destroying the house and injuring herself.
I wanted to focus on both my dogs: Sakari, who had separation anxiety; and Rudy, my 16-year-old rat terrier who had been diagnosed with cancer 6 months earlier, and was given 6 months to live.
Maribeth indicated that Rudy was happy and healthy, with a very strong life energy. He wasn’t ready to go and he had a lot of life yet to live, she said. Part of me was happy and wanting to believe it, and part of me thought she was a little crazy. Fast forward 5 more months, and Rudy is still with me, feisty and happy as ever! Outliving every doctor’s prediction.
I had been crating Sakari since she hurt herself during one of her panic attacks. Both a certified behaviorist and my trainer recommended crating for her safety. Maribeth didn’t think Sakari could handle confinement long-term. If we were to get through this, Sakari wanted more space.
So I gave Sakari access to a room upstairs, where she could look out a window. Within weeks Sakari was improving rapidly, and within a few months I was leaving her home alone while I went to work.
I started meditating and being as conscientious as possible about my own anxiety and breathing. I made a conscious attempt to be calm, even if I wasn’t in the same room as Sakari. I am convinced that these practices were key to her healing.
Other people told me that separation anxiety was incurable, but we had overcome it!
Thank you, Maribeth, for sharing your gift and healing my family.
Cathy H. & Sakari,
I love seeing families enjoying each other’s company more when behavioral and emotional issues are getting resolved. And when I help a family through a transition and feel the love and peace knowing everything is OK, I melt. It’s beyond wonderful!
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Yes, I want to communicate with my animal!
You can do that – with Maribeth’s help!