
Working through the loss of a loved one

The loss of a loved one can be devastating. That’s why I wrote my bestseller, Peace in Passing. My goal was to “Comfort Loving Humans during Animal Transitions.”

Sensei Victoria Whitfield’s contribution

As I began writing the Second Edition of Peace in Passing, I re-read Sensei Victoria Whitfields Forward to my book.

This beautifully written and deeply personal message brings comfort to those of you who are grieving the loss of your beloved animals.

I’m sharing a shortened version of Sensei Victoria’s Forward below.

Forward to Peace in Passing by Sensei Victoria Whitfield

Peace in Passing addresses in-depth your ultimate question: “is there life after death?”

The resounding answer is “Yes.”

But my bet is that you knew that already…

Now, as a natural intuitive, I am quite aware of how few people can understand, converse with and respect our animal family.

I myself have been seeing and conversing with my dear deceased tuxedo cat Puff. Her shadow still appears from time to time about my home.  Whenever I am anxious, I see visions of her and feel her warm, loving presence near me.

Because of Puff ’s steady presence throughout my life, animal and spirit communication is quite normal, even mundane to me.

Yet I learned the hard way that this is not normal or mundane

So when I venture to share or comment on a message from a transitioned loved one or animal, many usually respond with a dismissive and confused look. Or better yet, they may freak out or say I’m “crazy” for saying such things. Perhaps you can relate?

Most people are socialized to frown on or avoid paranormal and otherworldly experiences. This socialization can make those of us who are more sensitive — or who have been forced into sensitization through profound grief or a traumatic event — to feel like we are “crazy” outsiders, that we’re being “unreasonable” or just plain silly.

This contemporary ignorance breeds disrespect and alienation

What’s worse is that it adds insult to injury for those of us who are processing grieving the loss of our beloved pet.

Is it wrong or “silly” to ask about a deceased loved one?

What if we just want to say goodbye? Or what if we want to know if they are alright, wherever they are?

Certainly not. It’s not wrong or silly to ask about a deceased love one.

You’re not crazy. You’re human. And this book is meant to honor you and your truth:

Love never dies

Please know this: you are seen, heard, and never alone — these three things our animal family intuitively teaches us already.

But I invite you to check your disbelief at the door, because in these precious pages you’ll embark on a sacred journey behind the veil, beyond one of life’s biggest mysteries: death and the hereafter.

More than alive

Know that the stories will not only open your heart to the profound dignity and power of your beloved pets’ transitioning from a state of being alive to — what Puff has told me to say is — “more than alive.”

But also know that as you read on, you’ll experience comfort, courage and healing for your own human experience of death as well.

Spiritual soul-family ties are unbreakable

Dealing with death is indeed frightening and painful. But with the right mindset, as Maribeth so candidly shares and exemplifies here, we can begin to access the unique brilliance of how our spiritual soul-family ties are unbreakable and continue on, no matter what.

In deep love and service,

Sensei Victoria Whitfield

Internationally recognized natural intuition expert, speaker and spiritual teacher

Need help with the loss of your loved one (animal)?

Schedule a remote session!

Have you experienced a connection with an animal who has passed? Were you comforted? Please share with us!

Maribeth Decker

Published by
Maribeth Decker

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