That’s Hiccup, the miniature mule pictured above. Hiccup came to Little Longears Miniature Donkey Rescue a few years back with a bad bronchial infection and needed work on his hooves. Because he was almost feral, he would not allow people to give him the medical treatment he desperately needed.
My friend Mary contacted me to see if I could help Hiccup. Using my intuitive animal communication skills, I saw his past, witnessing stuff out of horror stories. No wonder he distrusted humans!
That’s the first truth I learned. If you are tender hearted, you may not want to know what your rescue animals have gone through. And the other truth is you don’t need to know the specifics in order to help them.
But I still ask what’s the origin of their behavior with compassion. And I have learned to be there for them as we clear the energy around tough memories to allow them to shift their behaviors.
Hiccup saw the human species as BAD. That’s it. He’s not alone — other animals I’ve encountered feel the same. They write us off and don’t want to take a chance on us. It’s simply too painful.
Once I understand the origin or cause, I use animal communication to show them the good people who are there for them. Then I help them release the pain of their past through energy healing so they’re open to this new reality. As their energy shifts, they begin to feel the compassionate and loving energy of these people.
Looking back, I’m surprised because there was only a small chance he would. But I came to him with a pure heart and lots of patience. I didn’t try anything physical with him. I virtually petted his body as a way of getting him comfortable with my own energy as we connected.
Once Hiccup understood that the people at Little Longears were good, I started feeling into his bronchial infection. I reminded him how good he would feel if he could breathe without coughing and wheezing. I communicated that if he let his caretakers give him medicine, he would experience relief. At long last, he accepted the medicine. And they took care of his hooves with a bit of sedation.
When I finally met Hiccup in the flesh, he let me give him a treat, which was extraordinary according to the people at the rescue. I recently heard Hiccup now enjoys hanging around the stalls with everyone and adores his friend, the horse, Smoke. And he trusts his people.
My takeaway? It is possible for even badly abused animals to trust.
Even if you’re not dealing with a feral animal, I can help!
PS – I sponsor Hiccup since I can’t adopt him. But people adopt many of animals at Little Longears Miniature Donkey Rescue. Learn more here.
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