Have your animals ever asked, “Where are our treats??” You don’t have to be an animal communicator to hear this loud and boisterous communication.
Especially if you’ve ever met my cats, who sing arias about “Where are my treats?” And my dogs have the facial expressions and tail wags of hope and desperation. As if I truly starve them.
I admit, as I feed them treats with utmost love, I mutter under my breath, “Little Punks!!”
And even Santa is not immune from “Where are my treats??” Letters to Santa from forlorn animals everywhere. Here’s one!
This is your kitty friend, Shadow. The dog (I forget his name, the annoying one I live with, you know him)…we’ve teamed up to ask you for your advice. Don’t have a heart attack, Santa. We don’t have time for partisanship —this issue is way too important! We want to know where are our treats.
Oh, now I remember. The dog’s name is Rocky. And he’s a rock all right. Not too bright.
Sorry, got off track. This IS a letter to Santa, where we ask about treats!
Here’s the thing: Dogs are supposed to be (hu)man’s best friend. Harrrumph. And yet, billions of people are watching cute cat videos this very instant. So I’d argue that people like cats as much as (or more than) dogs. That’s why we’re collaborating – doubling the cuteness.
I mean, I watched my person bake Christmas cookies up the wazoo. Last week, I heard from that nice cat Freddy, who lives down the street. He told me his people were serving up rugalach and sweet noodle kugel for Hanukkah.
What are we, chopped liver? (Hah, a joke, I love chopped liver. But people think it’s horrible. Humans, gotta love ‘em. But I sure don’t understand ‘em!)
We want to know when we get some treats for the holidays!
Yours Truly, Shadow and, ummm, Rocky
You’ve got a good point! Even my reindeer get treats when I deliver presents.
So you should get some as well. After a discussion with Mrs. Claus, we decided to Google dog and cat treats.
Lucky for you, we found some great recipes!
Just print these out and put them in the middle of the living room. Even if your humans don’t make the treats, I bet they’ll go out and buy you something wonderful!
Love you two,
P.S. Shadow, you know you love Rocky. And Rocky loves you. So just have a bit more patience with him, okay?
Dear Mindy and Bob,
The other day, Shadow and Rocky asked why they haven’t gotten any goodies for the holidays. As you know, I believe in equal opportunity gifting. So here are some recipes I thought looked luscious. Well, for a cat or dog anyway. You might share them with Freddy’s people, too – you know, the cat that lives a couple doors down?
From: http://nepetacataria.org/catnip-cookies-recipes/
From https://pinchofyum.com/homemade-dog-treats
Then they don’t have to write to Santa!
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