Pet stress

Pets nervous about a vet visit?

Most animals I’ve met are nervous about a vet visit. Including my own. Truly, I don’t blame them. I can’t remember the last time I’ve thought, “Oh goody, I get to go to the doctor to get checked out!” “Yeah! My dental cleaning/root canal is today!”

We take our animals to the veterinarian because we care about them. We want them to be healthy, to “live long and prosper”! (Any Star Trek fans out there?)

How I help them prepare for vet visits

You don’t have to be an animal communicator to try this. You’re already connected intuitively to your animals through love.

Use this love connection to help them get through the visit. You might not be sure they’re listening but trust me. They are.

Read my blog, Top 5 Things You Can Do After Learning How to Communicate with Your Animal.

  • Be sure to check out #2.

“Show and Tell” time

Before you leave the house, picture in your head your drive to the veterinarian’s office. While you’ve got it in your head, tell them (out loud) you’ll be taking them there soon. Show them going into the office, being poked and prodded. Then picture them returning to the car and on their way home.

And if it’s true, show them (in your head) as you tell them out loud that treats will be “administered” at the end of their ordeal.

Always tell the truth about the vet visits

If you know what will happen during the vet visit, show them – poking prodding, maybe giving shots.

If they’re staying for a surgical procedure, show them staying for a longer time. Picture what it will be like from their point of view if you can. The shot or nose cover to help them sleep during the procedure.  Waking up at the vet’s office. Feeling tired and maybe in some pain. And show them you’ll come back to bring them home.

I’ve helped people explain to their dogs about getting their torn cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) repaired so they can run again. They’ve even explained how their dog will have to wait weeks before they can run again. And recovery went extremely well.

Vet visits happen because you love them

Tell your animals that whatever you do for them is because you love them – even vet visits. It’s part of the deal of living with you. It’s your job.

You want them to feel good and enjoy their life with you. Send them love and remind them that they can trust you.

Judy shares about her cat, Ringo’s vet visit.

“We just got back from the vet. He [Ringo] was talking on the way over, but the vet mentioned (without me asking) how calm he was while he was there. Thanks for your help! I’m so glad we prevented him from being traumatized again.”

Do vet visits stress your animals?

Let me help!

Maribeth Decker

Published by
Maribeth Decker

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