Pet loss

Personality comes into play at end of life

“Personality comes into play at end of live” is an edited retelling of one subject in my interview with Pete Johnson of MindProxy. Even though Pete focuses mostly on humans, he has many insights for all our loved ones’ endings, human or not.

Watch our interview.

Pete shares:

Mediums connect after death

Many shows nowadays have mediumship-based themes.  But I always thought connecting to the dead person “after the fact” might not be the best way to help somebody move through grief or resolve something after their loved one died.

“Mediumship for the living” emerges

I already had medium, mystic abilities when my father-in-law developed dementia. Incredibly, he began to communicate with me. Honestly, it was a bit of a twist, but I liked it. Because there were things he couldn’t voice but I could hear. So when he found out he could communicate with me, my journey began.

I realized I could help many families by sharing what’s really going on with people unable to communicate as they transition.  It doesn’t make it any easier on your heart, but it can make it much easier as you deal with this over a protracted period.

“Okay,” I thought, “I can communicate with my FIL, what about somebody like an autistic kid or something like that?” That’s where the term, mediumship for the living, developed.

Father-in-law’s personality comes into play

My father-in-law took his sweet time transitioning and I wondered why. Then an Alzheimer’s patient told me, “I will exit like I lived.” So I pondered, “Okay, what does that mean? Exit as I lived. Exit as I lived.”

I thought about my father-in-law’s life and exit strategy

As an engineer, he was an incredibly methodical man, detail-oriented, approaching everything with excruciating precision. That’s who he was in life, that was his personality. So guess how he’s going to work through his exit? That same exact way!

Understanding how personality affects exits can bring comfort

As I watched my father-in-law deteriorate, I frustratedly said to my wife, “Oh my gosh, I don’t want to be sitting around forever and a day like this. I wouldn’t want that at all!”

But my wife reminded me, “You make decisions incredibly quickly. You have no regrets. You move forward.” She said, “You’re going to be gone in an instant. You’re bang! You’re just going to go.” And I replied, “That’s probably very true, because I’m like, ‘Okay, seen it, done it, gone, bye.’” That’s my personality; that’s the way I approach everything in life.

Animals’ personalities come into play, too

So as our pet (or our person) moves towards the end, remember who they were in life. Was this the pet that constantly smelled every blade of grass and did what they wanted to do? Was this the pet that ran through life? They will exhibit their personality during their labor of leaving.

Some personalities think, “Who’s going to do my job?”

Our pets can be incredibly thoughtful in the way that they approach things – the way that they look at their lives, themselves, their impact on the family. And they think, “Are they going to be okay when I’m not here? Because I had a job in this house. Who’s going to do my job?”

Maribeth: Recently, I shared with someone whose dog was in transition, “Your dog needs to know you’re going to be okay; you’re going to survive when they pass.” As she thought about it, the lady admitted she wasn’t quite sure she’d survive her dog’s loss. So I told her, “You need to see if you’ve got the strength to let your pup go. And if you do, let’s tell her now!” Because they do care about us. For many, it’s part of the thought process of going.

Realize that personality’s always a part of the process

There are those animals, like people, who claw their way back from anything, because that’s part of their personality. They are just going to do everything they can to get back and finish it, whatever it is. Others think, “Well, okay.” They don’t try as hard to recover. Once again, that’s where personality steps in.

Clear regrets so the personality can complete the transition

In my “mediumship for the living,” I try to clear out regrets, lingering issues, and resolve anything they need to resolve.

I typically ask, “What are you holding onto? Is there something that you’re holding onto that you want to know or find out or do?” The phrase, “What are you holding onto,” really works!

Then we look to clear that out so they can complete their transition. I say, “We’ve figured all this out. We’ve talked to whoever you wanted. We managed to communicate with those you wanted to see. Now you do the rest, you’ve got it. You move on as you choose.”

Then I let them be their personality at the end. And they do revert back to that personality. Some may say, “Well, I’m still going to think about this a little while and I’m going to do okay.”

Personality plays as much a role in transitions as lingering issues

The biggest lesson I’ve learned is personality is just as important as getting rid of lingering issues for someone’s transition. Be sure to allow them to exit as they lived with the same dignity. You put up with their stubborn behavior while they were alive. It was frustrating, but you put up with it. That’s probably the way they’re going to work out their exit.

What to check in with your animal as they decline?

Book a session!

Pete Johnson

With an esteemed career as a Chief Operations Officer, multiple patent holder, and Co-Founder of a thirty-plus year, best-in-class, international business, Peter Johnson understands the importance of knowledge – its value in the marketplace, the healing it can bring to the suffering, and the ethics it requires.

As a native of Virginia Beach, Virginia, Peter grew up and still lives in the light and influence of the Edgar Cayce Foundation. With a university education and business success long achieved, Peter then felt and followed the Divine nudge to combine his unique psychic skill set with his practical business acumen.

Peter’s primary audience is best classified as business to business: Government and Law Enforcement Agencies, Insurance Companies, Human Resource Departments, Law Firms, and Health Care Providers, among others. His services include:

  • Intuitive Personnel, Partnership, and Executive Assessment, Management, and Selection
  • Psychic Location and Evidence Recovery, and
  • Strategic Foresight, Prediction, and Analysis of energetic trends for opportunity exploration and maximization.

Telepathic Communication at the End of Live

However, today we focus on a subset of Peter’s skills, namely telepathic communication at the end of life – or what Peter more easily terms “Mediumship for the Living.”

Peter works on a contractual (consultant-type) basis with Skilled Nursing, Memory Care, Home Health, Autism, and other private service providers to deliver unique communication services for the family members, friends, or caretakers of those approaching the End of Life or others who are permanently or temporarily unable to communicate for themselves. This includes the unconscious, persons on the Spectrum, stroke victims, dementia patients, infants, and more.

Be it misunderstood or troubling behaviors, final wishes, or proactively clearing any lingering questions or issues before transition, telepathic communication can be instrumental in reframing complex relationships or familial issues to enable a compassionate and healing space — not only for the person themselves but also for the caretakers or family members that remain.

Visit Pete’s website:

Maribeth Decker

Published by
Maribeth Decker

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