Animal Communication

Our animal companions – part of our soul family

I now believe our animal companions are part of our soul family. But I didn’t always believe or think that way.

When I first learned about soul families, I thought they only included humans.  But as I worked with animal companions and their people, I noticed the deep connection between them. Plus, I started to see and acknowledge MY deep connection with my animal companions.

Another way to understand our bond

Feeling our soul family connection is another way to understand the deep bond we have with our beloved companions. Explore this idea with me!

(That’s our cat Shadow, hanging out with Molly (brindle dog) and Newt (brown dog).

Soul families

As I said, my original understanding was that our soul families comprised many of the people we had a relationship with in previous lifetimes. We may be connected by affection and love — and/or, unfinished business.

As a soul family, we return to earth together to work on unfinished business. In my experience, this gives us a chance to create a more loving outcome than previously. The goal is to become better people than the last time we faced this unfinished issue.  Our soul family helps us. I found the comment from Wolf_Shaman_Dream in this Reddit discussion interesting.

How do our family animals fit in?

As my animal communication abilities manifested, I felt some of my animals were with me before.  The first time I sensed this was when my cat, Mac joined our household. I wanted to call him “Tom,” after my Gramie and Grampa’s cat, Tom. As a kid, I had an affectionate relationship with him. Some of my clients had this same sense with their animals.

Many times, memories of love and affection brings our animals back into our lives. And sometimes we discovered there was unfinished business from those shared past lives. In this case, we had the opportunity to do better for them in this life.

We choose to be together

We humans may not always know what brought us together again. But we both chose to be together in this life.  For whatever reason. Be sure to read my blog, How do you know if your animal has returned?

Why are our animal companions with us?

Most of us don’t know the specifics of when our lives and our animals’ lives intersected before.  Still, we can think about how their presence gives us a chance to be a better person.  And how they get to be a better version of themselves  – or they’re allowed to express who they really are – because they’re with us.

Best of all, since we’re part of the same soul family, we’re connected for as long as we feel love for each other – beyond physical death.

Want to bring out their best selves?

Find out how Maribeth can help!

Do you have a sense of having known your animal companion previously? I’d love to hear about it!

Maribeth Decker

Published by
Maribeth Decker

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