Is ego our enemy? Do we need to shut down our ego to live our best life?
We need food to sustain our physical bodies. Food (taste) is one of the perks of being in this physical life. And eating together provides companionship. Yet many of us have a problematic relationship with food. We overeat, undereat, or eat food that isn’t healthy. So, does that mean food is bad? No. It’s more about how we use food in our life.
Ego, like food, assists babies manage their body. Centered in the mind, ego thinks, judges, and remembers past experiences. Because of that, it helps babies learn to survive in this world. For instance, it teaches babies that crying communicates they need help.
And ego spurs them on to figure out how to feed themselves, grab stuff, walk and run. Sometimes it reminds them about what their parents said: “Don’t run out in the street in front of that car, you’re going to get really hurt!..”
The ego gives answers; creates strategies and plans. It reminds us what got us in trouble the last time we did that. And the ego judges everyone, including ourselves. That’s the ego thinking it’s protecting us from getting hurt emotionally or physically.
Our soul, which for me resides in the heart center, is meant to guide our life. That is where our “Best Self” lives.
We get into trouble when we forget that the ego (the planner, evaluator, protector and judger) is there to assist our soul to achieve its hopes and dreams. Not to rule our life. But the head speaks to us 24/7 and creates strong emotions to pull us off course. Pretty soon, happiness slips away.
In a perfect world, the heart/soul whispers its desires and the head/ego looks for ways to make it happen. And make the soul happy. For most of us, it’s not that easy. We need to clear out a lot of “head trash,” as my friend Judy Kane says, before we can move forward with our heart/soul desires.
When did you lead from your heart? How did your head support your heart? I’d love to hear about it.
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