Geraldine, a cat I worked with, can be terrified about new things. In addition, one of her companion cats, Nocciollo targets her aggressively and terrifies her. To help Geraldine relax, her guardian Diana, keeps them separated quite a bit. (You can see a picture of Geraldine below.)
Diana and I had a session to help this beautiful orange cat become less terrified and stand her ground more.
The good news? Geraldine was ready to release her terror! Listen to what Diana shared with me after our session. This is truly a Success Story!
“A couple of hours after our session Thursday afternoon, someone knocked on our front door. Geraldine would normally have jumped off her seat in front of the living room window and run out of the room and hid as soon as she heard someone coming up the front stairs. Instead, she just moved a bit so that she could keep an eye on who was at the door. I could not believe this!
“This person, a stranger, did not leave right away. Instead, he waited while I did something. Geraldine just sat there the whole time, calm as can be. Not terrified at all.
“The next day she also did not run and hide when the postal carrier came to the front door!”
“I had let Nocciollo in with Geraldine Thursday and Friday evenings for a couple of hours. And everything was OK.
“Today, Geraldine was in the living room eating under the coffee table when I let Nocciollo into the living room. She was on her seat by the living room window and [at first] he didn’t bother her.
“Rather than running away from him when he started towards her, Geraldine stayed by the food bowl. When he hissed, she also hissed. Another miracle: she did not run away!!
“She is also walking better. And she was NOT anxious when I put the appetite stimulant gel in her ear. This all is truly amazing! I can’t thank you enough.”
“I did end up putting Nocciollo back in the kitchen because he wasn’t living up to his end, i.e., he was supposed to find other things to do instead of bug Geraldine. Looks like Nocciollo needs some more work. Our ultimate goal is to have everyone happy in one space.”
— Diana S.
I love it when the animal’s and the person’s energy and mindsets shift to a place where there’s more relaxation and less anxiety.
I would love to help you and your animals! I can’t guarantee results, but I can guarantee that my intention is to bring information and healing so you and your animals enjoy each other and life more.
Have you had success with bully behavior? I’d love to hear about it!
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