Animal wellness

Clearing subconscious beliefs for our animals’ sake

In this blog, Judy Kane focuses on how clearing subconscious beliefs, even when they’re not about our animals, can positively affect them. This is the second blog written from our interview with Judy Kane of Aligned Consciousness.

(This is a shortened, revised version of Judy’s wisdom. Watch the interview below for all the goodness.)

[Maribeth] Most animals who live with people who are happy and grounded have a better quality of life. Not 100 percent. But overall, as Ron Hall said, “If mama [their people] ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” Because our animals are living in our energy.

I think it’s true that our animals are affected. And it’s true with everybody in the household.

Some families are loud and rambunctious. Sometimes, their discussions become overheated. They don’t tend to have dogs sleeping quietly in the corner somewhere. That energy spreads to the other animals. So, there’s anxiousness and nervousness. It’s likely that the vibe of the family extends through all of the animal members as well.

[Maribeth] We could ask ourselves, “What kind of environment have we created for them?” For instance, even if they’re nervous or scared by nature, they still live a better life if we get our act together.

Subconscious beliefs that could stress our animals

Business-related beliefs

People come to Aligned Consciousness because their business isn’t doing as well as they would like. And there’s all sorts of different beliefs that can cause that. Now the symptoms might look the same, but the reasons can be different.

For instance, people who are building a business can fear being successful. Maybe they don’t want to be seen, or there’s some conflicting money beliefs. Some people have subconscious beliefs like,

  • “It’s too expensive to be successful.”
  • “I’ll invest too much of my time. I’ve got other things I want to spend time on.”
  • “Businesses have to have a slow start to be successful.”
  • “There aren’t enough resources (money, time, client).”
  • “I must switch my schedule around because somebody else comes in with an ask.”

Each one of these subconscious beliefs cause stress in the human, which their animal might pick up on.

Imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome is when you’re doing work well, but deep inside, you don’t believe in yourself. You don’t believe you’ve got the skills, knowledge or gifts to do this job the way it should be done. Eventually, you believe, people will find out. And it’s going to be a horrible ending or at least extremely embarrassing.

Here’s an example. When I was in corporate, I would lead large projects. At the end of a project, people congratulated me as the project manager. And my response was always, “Well, it wasn’t me, it was the team.”

Certainly, it was the team! But if you never own your own contributions, can’t recognize your strengths, or can’t accept a compliment, those are clues that you’re not valuing your own worth.

And so, imposter syndrome is hugely stressful.

[Note from Maribeth] Read the first story of my blog, A Tale of Two Kitties, where the wife’s energy negatively affected her cat’s behavior. I now wonder what subconscious belief kept her in a job she despised!

Childhood trauma

Sadly, a lot of people I work with had some form of trauma in their childhood. And they may not know what it was. Or they know, but would re-traumatize themselves if they told me about it.

That’s one of the nice things about the process that I use. You don’t need to know where the belief comes from. We work with what’s there and change it. It’s a gentle way of getting at the heart of things that are not serving you well.

How can we change our subconscious beliefs?

Use visuals and emotions

Know what it is you want, not what you want to stop or avoid.  A lot of people don’t even know that. They just know they want to avoid this thing that they’re trying to not have happen.

Next, picture how it looks in detail. Get visual details. Ask yourself, “What are people saying?” Use other sensory data.  immerse yourself in an example of how this is going to look. And most importantly, include the emotions you’re feeling when this is true for you.

[Maribeth]  I ask people to do that with their animal’s behaviors. For instance, someone doesn’t like how their dogs greet people who come into their house. So I ask, “Well, how do you want them to act?” Many times, they say, “I want ’em to behave.”

I respond, “Behave” doesn’t mean anything to your dogs. Give me a picture.” So they might say they’d like to see them sitting down with a happy face, wagging their tail as they wait patiently to greet the visitors. And their people tell me how happy they will be when the doggies do this! Then I communicate that to their dogs. Visuals and emotions are very powerful!

Trust that you can change

Don’t just say, “Well this is just the way I am.” If you’ve got these patterns, if things happen for no good reason, just know you can change them. Don’t assume that this is just going to be the way it is forever. You can do stuff about it.

Learn more!

Blog: Subconscious Beliefs Impact Our Animals

Judy Kane, founder of Aligned Consciousness, helps people identify and transform the subconscious beliefs that keep them repeating ineffective, stressful patterns. Her clients experience changes which allow them to achieve their goals —with ease and comfort. She is the author of Your4Truths: How Beliefs Impact Your Life.

Judy also hosts workshops and presents in group sessions, conferences, and podcasts. Originally from Richmond, Virginia, she lives near Tampa Bay, Florida, usually with a rescued cat or dog (or two) as part of her household.


Maribeth Decker

Published by
Maribeth Decker

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