
Where People and Pets Heal and Connect

About Maribeth

I came by my love of animals and intuition from my family.

Love of Animals

I grew up with cats and regularly took care of my neighbor’s dog, Bootsie, a standard poodle. I considered my cats and Bootsie family. As a kid, I spent time outdoors looking for critters in a nearby stream when I wasn’t reading.

Intuition runs in my family, especially on my Dad’s side. I grew up with incredible stories of encounters with deceased family members and other beings from my Dad and my Grandmother.

First spiritual experience

I had a spiritual experience at 13 years old when I asked God if God existed. I received an incredible response from a loving, intelligent presence. I was overwhelmed and grateful. Still am.

This experience happened in the woods; that’s where the name, Sacred Grove originates.

Off course

Working on my bachelor’s degree in pre-med, I was forced to do live experiments on mice and turtles. As an empath, I felt the pain and terror of the animals, but had to push the feelings down to complete the course. But the horror stuck with me and I support many animal charities as a result.

“C-” dog parenting

After graduating, I became a Navy officer and was stationed in Puerto Rico. By that time, I drank pretty heavily. The chaplain noticed and gave me a book on sobriety  — and a street puppy, Pee Wee. Unluckily, no light bulb went off – I didn’t “get” that the Chaplain hoped this sweet dog would change my behavior.

So my dog parenting skills were at best, a C-. I wasn’t cruel, but I was neglectful. I felt a lot of guilt and remorse in later years. Lucky for Pee Wee, my parents took her when I received orders to Japan.
God has a sense of humor and sent me to a training center where I taught sailors about responsible drinking. Finally, the light bulb turned on – I’ve been sober ever since.

My dogs start communicating telepathically

When I became a Reiki Master, my deceased dogs started communicating with me. I was shocked!

Eddy comforts me

Eddy transitioned a day before I had to leave for a business trip, leaving me devastated. As I sat in the aisle seat of the airplane, I felt Eddy’s presence in the aisle and even petted her. Eddy stayed with me the first night in the hotel to make sure I was able to support the meeting.

Timmie visits

Later, Timmie, who also passed, visited me at home. I saw him out of the corner of my eye. He was a full body apparition, grinning to communicate that he was OK, he was happy and he loved me!

I yelled, “Timmie!”, turned to look at him and he was gone. I thought, “That was cool,” and went back to making dinner.

Mitsubishi tells me off

Mitsubishi had seen me use Reiki healing on Eddy before she died. It did not keep Eddy on the planet, but it eased her transition.

Later, I started doing energy healing on Mitsubishi while we sat on the couch.

Mitsubishi looked into my eyes and I thought, “If Mitsubishi could talk, he just said, ‘Don’t try that shit on me; it killed Eddy!’” To emphasize his point, Mitsu jumped off the couch. I still wasn’t getting it! I hadn’t heard of animal communicators at that time.

Tibor finally gets through

I finally understood that animal communication was worth pursuing when Tibor came into my life. He was a rescue dog, with a broken tooth, scars and some aggression issues based on fear, yet he was a really nice guy.

Disturbing visions

Every time I sat next to Tibor, I saw a picture of a man wearing this huge protective suit with a German Shepherd grabbing his arm. Tibor was sharing it with me, I soon realized – there was no other explanation.
I thought, “I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’ve got to find out.” A friend told me about animal communicators. So I took animal communication courses to be able to communicate at will.

“Soul” purpose revealed

Dogs brought out my “soul purpose.” Now I work with animals to help them become better family members through intuitive communication, medical intuition, and energy healing. I help improve behavioral issues, explain changes in the family routine and help animals move gracefully through end-of-life transition.

An intuitive conversation is possible??

Oh yeah — with Maribeth’s help!