We’re taught at a young age that it’s polite to say goodbye. The act of goodbye-ing brings closure. But there are times when we don’t get that chance—and it creates stress and sadness.

When my husband died suddenly

When my husband died suddenly, I couldn’t express those essential words of love or happy memories or gratitude. I never got to say goodbye. Or that last I love you. And I agonized over this double loss, hoping he knew how much he meant to me even though I hadn’t spoken the words I needed to say before he passed away.

And what about relationships that don’t work out?

Have you ever found yourself rehearsing scenarios in your mind about conversations you wish you could have said when breaking up, words to help you let go and move on? Many times, we do have those conversations with people. We understand the situation and choose to say our goodbyes, to express ourselves about the situation and be heard. There’s a sense of closure in doing that.

What about animals?

When there is goodbye in our animal’s lives, they notice it. They feel it. Life changes that upset us also upset our animals. Plus, there’s an added layer of not understanding what’s happening.

  • I was in a family and now I’m in a large cage with tons of dogs and cats! What’s happening?
  • Why am I in a new family?
  • Is this new house permanent?
  • Where is that person or animal I dearly loved? Are they coming back? Are they okay?
  • Mothers whose “kids” were taken from them before they were ready might ask, “Where did my kids go? Are they okay?”
  • And before being put to sleep, animals may wonder, “What’s happening to me? I don’t like this!”

These are all times when letting them say goodbye is helpful.

They need to say goodbye to their past

Rescue animals who’ve had a tough life need to say goodbye to that life and the pain associated with it. We really can help! One of my mantras is, “That was then, this is now.” In other words, that life is over, let it go. They’re in a safe, loving family. They can be the dog or cat they were meant to be – fearless, loving, silly, thoughtful – whoever they are at their core can blossom now!

Don’t cement them to their past, please!

We do our rescue animals a disservice by cementing them in their ugly past with, our “oh, poor baby!” emotions. Just like people, they have an ability and a right to move on and make the most of their life in the here and now. Our positive emotions and love for the new personality peeking out of the past is an excellent help in birthing their new life.

Connecting with our animals

In these kinds of animal communication sessions, I listen to them and feel their emotions. Their person and I explain what happened from what we know. Or we describe what’s going to happen. We share the reason, and we always tell the truth.

Energy healing helps

I do energy healing so they can let go, say their goodbyes, and find peace. I don’t lie about tough situations, but I send them tons of love and respect as I explain what happened or will happen. Energy healing also helps them get through upcoming changes.

Clearing up misconceptions

Sometimes we clear up misconceptions about why the person or animal is no longer around.

I met a cat who wasn’t peeing in her litter box. Found out she was still upset about a divorce. Read about it here.

They might think that someone who died moved away to another home. In those cases, I bring them together to say their goodbyes after the fact. Both people and animals have shown up for these sessions.

Stella, Mitsubishi and Maribeth | Snowmageddon | Washington, DC

I did this for my dog Stella when our dog Mitsubishi died. She thought Mitsu found a new home. So every time she saw a grey and white husky on our walks, she ran over to them so excited that she had finally found Mitsu! When I figured it out, I telepathically brought them together – in the session, they nuzzled and slept next to each other. Afterward, she stopped looking for Mitsu on walks.

More stories

Here are additional blogs I’ve written about saying goodbye:

Mom going into hospice

Peanut the Pit Bull’s end of life transition

I’d love to help you have a conversation with your animal about upcoming or past changes. You’ll both feel a sense of relief and create a stronger bond through the process.

Let’s help my pet say goodbye!

Maribeth Decker

Published by
Maribeth Decker

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