By now, you know that animal communicators are real, right? So when you’re worried or concerned about your pet, you think, “Could my favorite animal communicators help?” But then you might start thinking…
It’s time to employ the KISS principle. You know, Keep It Simple, Stupid! Since our animals have given us permission to be their guardians, it’s our right and responsibility to decide how best to care for them.
Am I now supposed to say you should contact an animal communicator? I won’t. Do what’s best for your animal. That means your first step may not be contacting animal communicators.
Physical symptoms -> See a medical practitioner; or visit a holistic veterinary practice that offers several modalities.
Some behavioral issues -> Dog trainers who use positive training methods are great. There are people who work with horses and even cats.
Other support -> Animal communicators
As I understand it, training and behavioral interventions set up a consistent physical experience to help the animal learn desired behaviors. And of course, veterinary care and adjunct modalities diagnose and treat the physical body.
If you did your due diligence – contacted a medical or behavioral expert – and there’s still an issue, consider calling an animal communicator.
Animal communicators add depth to the information provided by others. We work with and through the animal’s personality or their essence – who they are at their core. We do this by addressing their thoughts, feelings, and even past experiences.
Those trained to perform body scans (medical intuition) provide additional physical information about how the animal is feeling, pain levels, what seems off and where it’s occurring.
What’s the reason for a behavior? After that, we can begin to talk about how things might go better if behaviors changed.
Those of us experienced in energy healing can help the animal release emotions and memories that are causing stress. And we can provide healing for physical symptoms. (Note: This doesn’t replace good veterinary care.)
Animal communicators support dog training when the doggy isn’t getting it. They can share what you’re trying to accomplish and why. We help your pup understand how happy you will be when they “get it.” And, if we’re energy healers, we release emotions that are getting in the way.
I’ve explained to animals what to expect before a surgical procedure and send healing during the surgery and post-op for a smooth recovery.
We’re good at explaining changes in the family – how long you’ll be gone on vacation; who’s watching them; kids leaving for college; new babies or pets; divorce or separation; and moving to a new home. For instance,
Animal communication is excellent at helping animals and their family through end-of-life transitions. In this process, we use animal communication to explain the when, where, and say goodbye…priceless.
Now’s the time to review your speed dial and add numbers for animal-related support.
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