Pet behavior problems

3 ways Animal Communication increases your happiness!

Did you just say animal communication increases my happiness? Yup!

We didn’t bring our beloved animal companion into our lives so we could be worried, frustrated or sad, we wanted loving companionship. Still, life happens.

Anxiety, sadness, fear aggression, unwelcome bathroom habits, not getting along with family members – these situations and others are not the recipe for happy pet people. I’m sure you could share a few more situations that fall into this category.

Communicating directly with our animal brings a perspective we wouldn’t have gotten any other way. And that information allows for a shift that makes us – and our animal – happier! That’s how animal communication increases happiness!

Here’s how a few clients became happier after animal communication sessions.

1 – You know what’s going on and take action

Sometimes I am amazed when we find out what’s going on behind an animal’s behavior. We think we know the problem, but it can turn out to be different. Animal communication increases happiness when we figure out what’s really going on.

Harley was acting lethargic

Jenn’s dog Harley was acting sick and lethargic. Harley had some physical issues, but addressing them made no difference in her behavior.

In communicating with her, we realized her emotions were getting in the way of her happiness. She wanted more time outside, but she worried her people would think she didn’t love them if she wasn’t with them all the time.

Once we knew this, we did energy healing to release her emotions. And Jenn told her (through me) they’d be glad to give her more outside time; they knew she loved them no matter what.

Once the change was made, Harley perked up and became the dog Jenn always knew she could be!

Chef was taking off into the wilds of Colorado

Lynn takes her dogs to a wonderful cabin in the Colorado woods where they can run free. Her older dogs, Jasper and Emmy, were great about staying close and coming back when called. Her younger dog, Chef, however, took off at times and didn’t come back when called.

Lynn was in my UConnect class learning to communicate with her dogs. So she took this opportunity to tell Chef to stay where she could see him. It didn’t work, but Lynn didn’t give up.

She connected again to find out why and heard him say, “I don’t know what you mean.” I suggested she tell Chef, “Stay close enough so you can see ME (Lynn)!” It worked.

Lynn feels comfortable letting Chef enjoy his off-leash time. And Chef is happy knowing Lynn is comfortable with him being in the woods now.

2 – You spend more time enjoying each other

Bunker had an attitude about his cat sitter

Susan has a second home on the “rivah” (as they call it), where she and her husband went on weekends.

Problem was, she couldn’t bring her cat Bunker because he spent the whole drive crying about the car and the carrier.

We’re talking a couple of hours – it was painful. Still, she asked me if Bunker wanted to go to “the rivah” in spite of his crying.

He emphatically told me, “Yes!”

But they still decided not to take him. Susan reported that Bunker treated his cat sitter badly that weekend, hissing and scratching.  I checked in and found out Bunker was angry that he was left behind.

So she promised to take him next time.

To prepare him, we explained to Bunker that he’d get some medicine to relax him in the car, but it was temporary.

And we told him he should enjoy the “rivah”, check out all the nooks and crannies and watch the river scene – he had permission to totally enjoy himself.

He put up with the car ride and spent the weekend exploring and acting like a kitten!

Susan, her husband and Bunker thoroughly enjoyed Bunker’s time at “the rivah.”

3 – You know they’re prepared for a medical procedure

Sadie needed knee surgery

Deb’s dog, Sadie needed CCL knee surgery so she could continue to walk and run easily. The recovery was going to be tough! Eight weeks is a long time to not run, and 2 weeks of doing nothing when she was used to running twice a day was going to be a huge challenge.

The first visit to the surgeon’s office, Deb could hardly drag Sadie into the building. Sadie was super anxious.

Deb asked me to explain to Sadie how the surgery was going to help her run again, but it would take time – Sadie had to be patient.

Deb reported that when she took Sadie to the vet for surgery, Sadie didn’t hesitate to go into the building. She went right to the staff when it was time for them to part.

The next eight weeks went as best as could be expected. Sadie did exactly what she needed to do in her physical therapy and made a full recovery. They are back at the dog park playing with friends, running, jumping and living life joyfully.

When Deb joined, my UConnect class, she was able to communicate with Sadie herself about a second knee surgery. Sadie cooperated with Deb and the veterinary team and was patient with the healing just like she did after my connecting with her the first time.

Want to learn how to communicate with your animal? I can teach you!

Learn about UConnect!

Maribeth Decker

Published by
Maribeth Decker

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