I asked Debby Kevin, a student in my UConnect class, to write a blog about “things my dog taught me.” Debby is an incredible storyteller and editor. I know that because she edited my story in the international bestseller, SHINE! Stories to Inspire You to Dream Big, Fear Less & Blaze Your Own Trail.

I want to remember these every day! Enjoy!


Our family recently adopted Fergus, a five-month-old pup who is a mixture of Fox Terrier and Beagle. It’s been over seventeen years since we’ve had a puppy in the house and it’s been quite an experience (hello, cat poop is not an appropriate snack!). Despite all the new parent exhaustion and defluffing activities going on, Fergus reminded me of three important lessons, which he asked me to pass on to you.


Regular Breaks are Crucial

Before Fergus and his tiny bladder came along, I would keep my butt stuck to my office chair all day, taking as few breaks as possible. I have things to get done. Lots of them! And so I would tick items off my to-do list and move to the next one. By the time I stood up at the end of the day, my back and knees were as creaky as the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz.


Now, I’m up and moving every two hours or so. I snap Fergus’ leash on, and we’re outside to stretch our legs and relieve his bladder. Turns out that taking these breaks actually helps me focus, think more clearly, and problem solve like a badass. Not only am I getting more quality work accomplished, but I’m also feeling better for having included more movement in my day!


Fergus asks, “When can you integrate more breaks into your day, getting out into the sunshine and fresh air?”


Play More

With both of my kids off on their own adventures, I often filled my time with work, more work, reading, and Netflix. Yes, I hit the trails on the weekends, but my days were filled with task completion.  My fourteen-year-old cat isn’t very playful any longer, and so before Fergus came along, I’d lost my connection to play.


Dr. Stuart Brown, in his book called Play, wrote, “As we become adults, taking time to play feels like a guilty pleasure—a distraction from “real” work and life. Play is anything but trivial. It is a biological drive as integral to our health as sleep or nutrition. In fact, our ability to play throughout life is the single most important factor in determining our success and happiness.”


Now, some of my regular breaks include play and, with it, lots of laughter. This means vortex-y yumminess and operating at a higher vibration.


Fergus asks, “How can you integrate play into your day?”


Stay Present

As I type this post, Fergus is happily chomping and pulling on one of his BarkBox toys. His focus is singular: conquer and destroy. And he doesn’t stop until he either loses a baby tooth or amputates a part of the critter he’s chosen (true confession is that he’ll chew on the tooth when it falls out).


The point of all this is that Fergus commits to being present and focused on what’s in front of him. If he’s walking, it’s all about that experience, sniffing all the scents and toting the biggest stick he can manage. When he’s playing, he’s all in—dog toys, cat toys, or a game of chase. And his joy is palatable.


Fergus asks, “How can you also stay present on the things you’re working on, bringing in added pleasure throughout the day?”



About Debby Kevin

A two-time international bestseller co-author, Deborah Kevin loves helping visionary entrepreneurs attract their ideal clients by tapping into and sharing their stories of healing and truth. Ms. Kevin is an associate editor with Inspired Living Publishing and a former online editor of Little Patuxent Review. Her passions include travel, cooking, hiking, and kayaking. She lives in Maryland with her family and their cat Princess Leia and puppy Fergus—that is when they’re not off discovering the world. http://deborahkevin.com

By the way, if you want to learn to communicate intuitively with your animals, Maribeth can help you find your telepathic “on button”!

Debby, a UConnect student, shares her experience:

“I joined UConnect with a desire to grow my intuitive skills and use them to connect with my beloved fur family, Princess Leia and Fergus. At five months old, Fergus has been pestering his sister and exhibiting undesirable behaviors (does cat poop really taste that good?
“With Maribeth’s guidance, I connected easily to Fergus and requested that he stop eating from the litter box and shredding trash. To my surprise—and delight—he stopped! Too bad I didn’t request that he stop shredding all paper! UConnect is fun and I recommend it for anyone who loves their pets!”

I’m Curious

What lessons have you learned from your beloved furbuddies? What do you wish you could tell them?

Debby Kevin

Published by
Debby Kevin

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