Pet stress

Subconscious Beliefs Impact Our Animals

In our interview, Judy Kane, the founder of Aligned Consciousness, shares how subconscious beliefs impact our animals.

(This is a shortened, revised version of Judy’s wisdom. Watch the interview below.)

Why subconscious beliefs matter

Amazingly, subconscious beliefs make up about 95% of the way we behave. They’re the lens through which we see the world. As children, we absorb subconscious beliefs in our environment to help us cope. Plus, we want to have our group’s beliefs, so we fit in.

Some beliefs are helpful. They’re safety related like, “Don’t jump in front of a car! Don’t put your hand in the fire!” But we also get subconscious beliefs specific to the family or institutions which may not be helpful.

For instance –

  • It’s not safe to be seen or to speak up.
  • You don’t deserve nice things.
  • We must work hard to make money.
  • It’s not okay to have more than you need.

These beliefs may not serve you when you grow up. If they’re contrary to your conscious goals, they slow you down. It’s stressful because only 5% of your brain focuses on your conscious goal.  The other 95%, your subconscious beliefs, may run counter to your conscious goal .

Emotions that negatively affect our animals

[Maribeth]  Beliefs usually consist of thoughts and emotions. And thoughts and emotions are energetic – think of the nervous system firing an electrical impulse. Those electric vibrations are picked up by our animals.

And many of these vibrations are subconscious beliefs we don’t even realize we’re carrying. You might want to notice if subconscious beliefs are running the show in any of these situations.


[Maribeth] For instance, maybe a dog pulls on their leash and barks ferociously at someone. Their person now fears/worries it will happen on their next walk. As they get ready for their walk, the dog picks on the worry. So now you’ve got a whole negative vibration going between them.

“Well this happened once and now I’m going to worry about it.” So you get stressed out, then the dog or cat or whatever picks up on the stress, and that can be a cycle for sure.


Animals worry because you get sad about something that’s going on and they don’t know what it is. They just know that you’re very, very sad and they’re empathetic, right? They don’t want you to be sad and so that worries them.


Grief is natural. You don’t want to not be sorry about a significant loss. But it may disable your ability to get through the day for an extensive period. And that’s going to cause your pets to have an emotional response to grief.

[Maribeth] One of my teachers shared that after she had lost a beloved dog, she got a new puppy. Surprisingly, she noticed the puppy moping and being so sad. Being an animal communicator, she was able to say, “I’m going to be sad for a while, but you didn’t know that dog. So the best thing you can do for me right now is be your happy puppy self!” But sometimes it’s not that easy for us to shift.


Or you’re the hypervigilant pet guardian worried about every symptom of an animal. You want the best for your animals, but you can cross over that line where it’s a little compulsive. And that’s going to stress the animals. Because you, the guardian, are stressed out.

Behind that hypervigilance is a subconscious belief that if you do the right thing, it’s going to get better. And that’s a hard one to let go when you love your animals. There’s really this subconscious engine running in some people that believes, “It’s my job to fix my animal.” And that belief creates a lot more stress in your life -and theirs – than necessary.

How do we know subconscious beliefs are running?

Look for patterns!

One instance doesn’t usually mean there’s a subconscious belief contributing to the distress. But if you have a pattern of unsupported relationships; or if you find yourself repeatedly doing the same thing without knowing why and not even wanting to, that’s a good clue.

Notice situations that stress you out

What situations stress you out when you think about them? For instance, many people have a strong emotional response when they think about writing a check, hosting a dinner party, or encountering a certain animal.

These subconscious beliefs aren’t subject to fact, logic, data; that’s irrelevant. For instance, people with a flying phobia probably know it’s safer to get on the plane than drive to the airport. But that’s not going to change their panic reaction when they think about flying.

If any of these clues ring true, you might want to see if your subconscious beliefs are running the show. Check out

Read, Got Anxious Animals?

Judy Kane, founder of Aligned Consciousness, helps people identify and transform the subconscious beliefs that keep them repeating ineffective, stressful patterns. Her clients experience changes which allow them to achieve their goals —with ease and comfort. She is the author of Your4Truths: How Beliefs Impact Your Life.

Judy also hosts workshops and presents in group sessions, conferences, and podcasts. Originally from Richmond, Virginia, she lives near Tampa Bay, Florida, usually with a rescued cat or dog (or two) as part of her household.







Maribeth Decker

Published by
Maribeth Decker

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