Conversations with Maribeth

Where People and Pets Heal and Connect

Below are conversations I’ve had with some wonderful folks!

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Peter Johnson of MindProxy and I focus on a subset of Peter’s skills, namely telepathic communication at the end of life – or what Peter more easily terms
“Mediumship for the Living.”

Although unable to verbally communicate for themselves, how aware of their surroundings are our loved ones towards the end of life? While in an unconscious state?
While living with Autism?
(Question answered after intro & background

From your work and perspective, why do some people remain “in the physical” longer than medically expected at the End of Life? (Question answered after intro & background

How does an individual’s personality come into play when people are unconscious at the end of life? The impulsive versus the stubborn? The methodical versus the lackadaisical? What does it mean, “I’ll exit like I lived!”? (Question answered after intro & background 6:33)

What role can a person’s religiosity (both positive and negative) play in their final days when they are unconscious? (Question answered after intro & background

What ways can we proactively help ease the transition and lessen the fears of our loved ones at the end of their life when they are unconscious? (Question answered after intro & background 6:33)

Peter Johnson of MindProxy and I focus on a subset of Peter’s skills, namely telepathic communication at the end of life – or what Peter more easily terms “Mediumship for the Living.”

Cindy Cowan is an Essential Oil Lifestyler and Certified Animal Aromatherapist. In this interview, we discuss how essential oils can be used for our pets’ behavioral and physical issues.

Heart and Hustle: Visionary Healers, Movers, and Shakers with your host, magic maker, and lifestyle coach, Paulette Rees-Denis

In this interview with Judy Kane of Aligned Consciousness,  Judy shares examples and some clues that our subconscious beliefs are causing stress.

Ana Melara of Grace Dog Training & Behavior and I discuss why a seasoned dog trainer and behaviorist might choose to recommend an animal communicator.

In this interview Becca Weinstein and I discuss integrating our energies.

Jenny Lee is Vice President of the National Capital Area Professional Pet Sitters Network (NCAPPS). In this interview we discuss how to get a good pet sitter and all about NCAPPS.

Kevin and I discuss how pet loss
and other life losses affect us.

Helping young people develop their intuitive gifts with Diana Seidl.

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Note – These interviews aren’t advertisements; they provide valuable information to my animal-loving community!